Pebble 2, Time 2 + All-New Pebble Core
Two new heart-rate enabled smartwatches + 3G wearable
Eric Migicovsky
Pebble 2, Time 2 + All-New Pebble Core β€” Two new heart-rate enabled smartwatches + 3G wearable
Ryan Hoover
This just hit Kickstarter and it's already at $300k+ in funding. I bet it hits is $1m goal before 8am PT. The watch is more fitness-focused but I'm more curious about the Core a internet-connected, "hackable computer on your keychain". Some use cases: track your pet, open your garage, call an Uber, record voice notes. Any plans to integrate Alexa or Google Assistant to make the Core essentially an assistant you can talk to, @ericmigi?
Jack Dweck
Acquired by Fitbit
Man, these things keep getting better. I still recall seeing an early model at Old Pro; I have to remind myself that a small, yet formidable team are mostly up against multi-$B hardware companies. Excited to see the lightweight OS continue to get improved and be an alternative in market. Go Eric & Team Go!
Its amazing how the Time 2 with color display has "10 day" battery life !! Even fitbit only works for 3 days max and lets not talk about apple watch.
Jonathan Kupferman
The last time they launched a Kickstarter I made this little website to graph how much money they've raised in real-time. I just updated it to this new Kickstarter: http://pebbletimetracker.herokua... Just the last few minutes:
Steven Rueter
@jkupferman haha awesome
@jkupferman - Nice! I love to watch the Kickstarter pages of super active campaigns like this! It is incredible. I watched the card game Exploding Kittens when they were live, but this is a whole new level! Also, wanted to hunt your site but discovered it was already on PH !
Julio Montas
Martin Kessler
Don't we all wish we could sell product at this rate? πŸ˜‚
Sam Legge
Love the idea of Pebble Core! Someone should hook it into IFTTT...
Ryan Hoover
@d0b0 yes! Great idea. Or Zapier (cc @wadefoster)
david grossblatt
@rrhoover ... Dear makers, Zapier everything please!
Sidhant Bhavnani
@d0b0 It would we interesting if Pebble Core hooks onto several devices to create a seamless transition between the same apps on different devices.
@rrhoover Side note, @rrhoover, clicking on @names is resolving broken pages. How do I find this Wade Foster??? =)
Mammad Emin
I can't believe how they raise money on kickstarter...
Jonathan Z. White
The funding this campaign is getting is incredible. They are already at $3m. Just watching the demo video on the Kickstarter page, I can see the amount incrementing almost $1000 every couple of seconds. I would love to see a breakdown analysis of their first and second campaign. Especially on what were the key components to their crowdfunding success.
Alex Kranenburg
This is really great and love to see this. :) I was one of the original backers when it first launched on kickstarter and have a question about fulfillment. What have you learned from previous launches that will ensure you can keep your promise on this delivery date?
I couldn't stop myself backing the super duper combo. Congratulations @ericmigi ☺️
Alvaro Flores
by now, each up vote here worth like $10,000 in kickstarter :/
Valentin Godard
Never seen any project backed that fast on kickstarter, wow! *mind blown*
Andrew Parrish
Super excited for the Core! The sdk can't come out soon enough-lot's of interesting possible use cases once the dev community gets a hold of it.
yadav prasanth
This is hitting like a meter. I never saw anything like this before. Awesome!
Tyler Marshall
Looks great, but was expecting a more significant discount on the Time 2 for early backers.
Zlatko Unger
Ugh, here I go again backing my third pebble watch on Kickstarter.
Sarthak Grover
"Core streams music from Spotify* and syncs GPS data with Runkeeper*, Strava* and Under Armour Record*. " Wow, that alone is a great feature. Wasn't there a kickstarter hunted recently focused on building a Spotify-only-device? This can't be good news for them.