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Leila Holmann

jPDFSecure — Java PDF Library to Secure PDF Documents


jPDFSecure is a Java library that can digitally sign PDF documents and change security settings on PDF Documents. With jPDFSecure, your application or java applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create and apply digital signatures.

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Leila Holmann
jPDFSecure is a Java library that can digitally sign PDF documents and change security settings on PDF Documents. With jPDFSecure, your application or java applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create and apply digital signatures. jPDFSecure has a simple interface to load PDF documents from files, network drives,URLs and even input streams, which can be generated runtime or come directly from a database. After changing security settings, jPDFSecure can save the document to a file, a java.io.OutputStream or a javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream when running in a J2EE application server to output the file directly to a browser. jPDFSecure is built on top of Qoppa’s proprietary PDF technology so you do not have to install any third party software or drivers. Since it is written in Java, it allows your application to remain platform independent and run on Windows, Linux, Unix (Solaris, HP UX, IBM AIX), Mac OS X and any other platform that supports the Java runtime environment. Main Features Digitally Sign PDF Documents: Create New Digital Signature Fields Apply Digital Signatures on New or Existing Fields Apply Certifying Signatures Clear Digital Signatures Customize Signature Appearance Sign from USB Token (PKCS11) Encrypt / Decrypt PDF Documents (AES 256 encryption) Support for Timestamp Servers Set / Remove Permissions: Print, Print High Resolution, Copy or Extract Content, Extract Content in Support of Accessibility, Modify the Document, Add / Modify Annotations, Fill Form Fields and Sign Set / Remove Passwords: Open Password, Master Permissions Password Works on Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS X (100% Java) No Need for Additional Drivers or Software when Deploying If you require any additional information, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@qoppa.com