Carson Zylicz

PDF Query - Quickly search and find what you need within any PDF

With AI-based semantic search, PDFQuery allows you to quickly find the information you need within any PDF document. Whether it's a simple keyword search or a more complex question, PDFQuery has your back, saving you time and effort when searching PDFs.

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Carson Zylicz
Hey hunters, super excited to launch my product, As a senior college student, I've been looking for a way to better way to research for my final thesis. As many students know, CTRL-F is the backbone of of the research experience. However, you need an exact match and need to know exactly what to look for. I found these limitations on CTRL-F burdensome, so I set out to create a better PDF search experience. With PDFQuery, you simply upload your pdf, wait a few minutes, and then you're ready to search. Searches take less than a few seconds and you can search anything. PDFQuery will return the 5 closest matches to what you are looking for. I'm hoping to expand the capabilities, accuracy in text-extraction, and UI of the interface. I really appreciate your support and all of your feedback!