KaL MichaeL

PDF Expert for Mac - The best PDF viewer, editor, and form filler available.


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Denys Zhadanov
Hello guys, We've worked hard over a year to bring you a truly great PDF experience to your Mac. PDF Expert for Mac is great when Preview is too basic for you and other apps are to cumbersome. It's already #2 Top Paid app on the Mac App Store. Apple picked it as "Editor's Choice". There are three main things that makes PDF Expert good. It's Fast, Robust and Beautiful. Would be great to hear your thoughts and suggestions. P.S. Apple has also picked PDF Expert for iOS as a "Free App of The Week" - so you can get it for free (regularly $9.99) to make a killer PDF combo across your iPhone, iPad and Mac https://itunes.apple.com/app/pdf...
Eric Posen
Promo code for Mac app? :)
Great product! Been using it since the beta. Another product from Readdle that looks & works veeery good ;)
KaL MichaeL
Elegant productivity. PDF for Mac launches strong with an intuitive power and beautiful design/flow.
Emmanuel A. Simon
I'm so excited to see this. I've been using the iOS app for years...and honestly didn't even think about it coming to Mac. Pleasant surprise!
Jane Middleton
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about PDF expert in Mac. You can also try LightPDF This program doesn't need any installation or software download. Get it here: https://lightpdf.com/