@blendahtom Yes, exactly what I thought too! Square Cash didn't really go anywhere, so maybe paypal has the resources and user base to bring this concept to reality.
In general a great initiative from PayPal and they surely already have the distribution to make this a success. However, I can't understand why they won't allow people to pay as guests (by entering their credit card details). Forcing to create a PayPal account just makes this much less useful. I hope this is going to change.
@normanwiese They make the bulk of their money from people who pay either with existing Paypal funds or via ACH. It costs them 0 if you pay with paypal funds but a couple percent if you pay with a credit card (and a few cents if you pay with ACH).
@pitdesi To be clear if someone sends money for friends and family we don't charge either party. If they fund it w credit card then we are charged a fee and hence charge fee to the sender. If a business is receiving money for goods and services a fee is charged in that case to the business (receiver). That doesn't cover all cases but is the general framework. Venmo (part of PayPal) is all friend to friend.
@ilyashassani That's the problem with most of startups: US-only, sometimes even focused on one city only.
With all things in anyway related to laws, Europe and rest of the world is totally ignored forever or "maybe in the future".
In reality this is quite strange, I can use PayPal in Europe, but can't use this exact PayPal service.
@ddmirolli@rrhoover um, you do realize that square cash tags in itself was a clone, right? Check out www.ribbon.co which came out about 6+ months before and launched on techcrunch
@rrhoover The even deeper story is my lead designer saw a tweet from me from early 2014 (https://twitter.com/billwscott/s...) where I created a simple biz card with just my @billwscott moniker and a list of places which that is my handle. She immediately thought there should also be a PayPal destination for p2p like the other key services. It was months later at Oct 2014 hack that the idea was created and won 3rd place overall. I had zero to do with the idea or the product. It was just my silly tweet that inspired her.
Awesome that there are no fees, but kinda sucks that people need to login with paypal though. I've found Plasso (https://plasso.co) great for collecting one off payments from people (though it does have the Stripe fee).
PayPal customers will be able to set up their own user profiles which are associated with a personalized URL (e.g. paypal.me/username), which can then be shared with others via text, over email, on instant messenger, via social media, or anywhere else, as a way to request money.
I like that it's so simple. I've been wanting to use Square Cash since it launched but since it's not available in the UK still, this seems like a pretty good alternative.
This is why investments in the tech space are out of control. If you don't have anything that is proprietary about your product or service, the big guys will invariably rip it off. Loving this though!
I first thought that it was odd that PayPal would launch a sort of competitor to their own Venmo, but on second though it actually makes sense - I'm guessing the Venmo userbase vs PayPal userbase is very different (PayPal skewing older than Venmo...) and this serves as a net-positive user acquisition strategy (since it requires both sides to have PayPal accounts!)
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