Robleh Jama

Hourly Rate Calculator - Find out your ideal hourly rate


Hourly Rate Calculator is a tool we made for freelancers to use as a guide to costs, billable hours and desired profit. Remember: your hourly rate should also account for factors like market demand and skill level, factors that we unfortunately couldn't fit into this calculator.

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Much looking forward to Part II: *Getting paid the hourly rate you need.*
Valentin Staykov
@hellotom I wish it was that easy haha
Valentin Staykov
Hi everyone, Really happy to be launching our calculator on PH. While building products for freelancers and doing freelance work ourselves, we realized that figuring out what you should charge is not easy. Often it feels like you’re pulling a number out of thin air and it can sometimes be intimidating to ask for a high rate. Especially if you’re just starting out or feeling that dreaded impostor syndrome. We build the calculator to help freelancers figure out what they should charge based on costs, billable hours and desired profits. A huge thank you to everyone that’s already used it and given us feedback!
Valentin Staykov
@naveenkumar that's odd, can you share what browser and operating system you're using and we can take a look.
Kristian Kabuay
Great job. It's pretty accurate to what I was thinking
Valentin Staykov
@baybayin Thank you! Glad to hear that 😄
Joshua Queen
Sometimes I feel like PH is reading my mind... I was looking for an hourly calculator this morning, and now browsing through PH, I find one! I'm based in the UK, but it's great the calculator is tax-regime agnostic, though localisation would make this hugely powerful. Another suggestion, maybe allow the user to choose to enter a monthly or annual figure. I know it's only a case of multiplying or dividing by 12, but for a lot of questions that can be time consuming. Great work either way.
Valentin Staykov
@joshua_queen Thanks Joshua! Those are some great suggestions, we'll definitely look at localization for both currency and tax down the road. And absolutely, we initially had all the numbers as annual and changed some to monthly but giving the option would be even better.
Kenny Jr
Now this ladies and gentlemen is a Gem!!! Great Work Makers and to everyone else involved in this.
Valentin Staykov
@b0nez89 Thank you, really glad to hear you like it!
Mike Janka
Compared against a bunch of recent projects - super accurate. Even the difference between break-even/ideal rate is pretty much what my brackets are for average/great project!
Valentin Staykov
@jankamichal That's great to hear, really glad it's working well 😄
Igityan Hayarpy
great tool to measure your skills