Jack Smith

Passport Index 2016 - View the world's passports and see how they rank


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Matthew Boogaard
I guess the UK passport will drop a few ranks in coming years...
- Kim Pham -
@boogsau And depending where the US presidential election shakes out...
Nenad Kosović
Nice, but can we also have a list of all Visa free countries for each passport? Something like this: http://www.visamapper.com/
Fehim Tabak
@nenaddmc Also we have something like this http://trickorvisa.com
@fehim @nenaddmc I'd love if you guys implemented comparisons. E.g. two maps side-by-side, or an opacity overlay (that might get messy though).
Jack Smith
This is awesome! See pictures of all the world's passports. Then separately see a leaderboard of which passports have the most 'power' (visa free travel); and compare passports against each other. Super interesting.
Laszlo Levente Mári
Just one question: Why does this go to a goo.gl link? It's super disturbing when I'm in China and can't open because it's blocked...
Laszlo Levente Mári
@askdaylen thanks, I found it randomly in the form of a thenextweb article but admins should check if the link is direct because this way many users will get frustrated (khm @bentossell just a thought...)
Steven Pulver
Cool! This looks like it would work great as a companion to Sherpa (http://www.joinsherpa.com/) when trying to figure out your visas. A few years ago I got stuck in Southeast Asia without one (I think for Vietnam) and was in for a ton of hassle. Thanks for the share.
Max Tremaine
@stevepulver Thanks for the shout out! This is definitely a complementary tool to Sherpa. Well done!
Vishal Rohra
It'd also be cool to have an average time of getting visa listed.
Sarthak Grover
This is amazing, fantastic execution and functional design!
Sarthak Grover
Makers/Owners seem to be a 'consulting' company for high-net individuals, guiding them through various citizenships and processes. Interesting approach - http://www.artoncapital.com/tool...
Vikas Ranjan
This is really interesting to see all those passport cover symbols of different countries at one place. A modern equivalent to House Sigils (a GOT fan here). We have turned it into a game where we are relating countries' symbols with GOT houses (as close as we can) and by that comparision we (Indians) are Lannisters. Please add which house do you belong to. :D
Alex Abian
I love that you can actually compare and check multiple passports, so I can check where can I go with my couple or my friends who are all from different countries. Plus my passport has global rank of 2, cool!
Daylen Sawchuk
It would be great to have a site like this for currency. I don't think the world knows how awesome Canadian money looks. (It's made of plastic instead of paper)
Alex Kaul
Add a shopping cart :D
Rhonda Starkman
Fascinating to see the rankings. Surprised by many. For example, Why is India ranked as low as China and both as low as Viet Nam? Two former Soviet countries are much higher in the rankings than I expected based on my own travel research. Overall a useful site that I will return to.
Woot Australia's number 8!
Emad Hamdy
Alessio Fanelli
Wow Italy is ranked 3, would have never expected that! Really cool website, thanks for sharing!
Bonda Gangadhar
Wow , it is simply amazing . Good work :)
Vlad Stan
Interesting to find out what is the best combination of 2 to get access to most of the countries or to pay fewer taxes.
Eliza Nguyen
This is a great site! Congrats on launch :)