Antonio Viggiano

paodequeijo - Connect teammates for a chat on Slack


paodequeijo is like, but free

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Antonio Viggiano
Some people eat doughnuts for breakfast. We have paodequeijo, and it's free for unlimited teammates.
Antonio Viggiano
Hi Miguel Thanks for the feedback and thanks for trying this out! I'll add some instructions to the product, but since it's still in BETA it doesn't have lots of features, so it should be really simple to use. Just install it and go to the Slack app and you'll see the possible configurations
Miguel Amador
@aviggiano it only allow to change authorizations, change name, and remove app. My point is that I see no configurations... I am clueless how this can work.
Antonio Viggiano
@themiguelamador That's weird. You don't see the app installed on your sidebar? You should be able to access the configs at