Sanjeet Chatterjee

Paintr - Painting with your smartphone.


Paintr is a collaborative digital canvas where your smartphone becomes your paintbrush.

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Sanjeet Chatterjee
Hey there! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Sanjeet - an 18 year old student and maker. I have always been interested in the way humans interact with the digital world, and I recently realised that almost all smartphones nowadays have a built in inertial measurement unit. This led me to create Paintr - a digital canvas where your phone becomes your paintbrush. With the lockdown in place, I feel Paintr is a great way of connecting people through a fun and interactive medium. Paintr supports multiple controllers and screens, which means the possibilities are limitless. Just scan the QR code and you're in! Whether at home or remote, with family or friends, anyone can join in and get creative. Let me know what you think - it would be awesome to hear your thoughts and suggestions below.
John Pearson
Wow, I've never seen an app like this. It looks very impressive, but in fact it is not very convenient. Especially if you use old smartphones, the accuracy drops even more. I think it would be much more convenient to use an application that would connect two devices together in such a way that the smartphone acts as a touchpad (like on a laptop). It seems to me that it is much more functional and more convenient. You can also use a stylus. I think it will be very useful for teachers and gamers. Why will it be useful for gamers? Have you seen how many controls exist in modern games? Huge keyboard shortcuts that must be constantly memorized. Those who cannot cope download various cheats, such as these I hope someone will make this idea a reality ...
Robert Gibson
Very interesting.
Mister Sea
Well, Paintr is a good option to get pleople conected while making art or playing, but to me art is all about personal inspiration, painting or drawing alone. There are also options that can be enjoyed with the family, I just checked on iheartartsncrafts website and I've been trying diamond art is super fun and it's incredibly easy and accessible. All you have to do is select the gems you want and press them into place on the board serving as your base!