
Pagecord - The most effortless way to blog


Pagecord is the most effortless way to publish your writing online. All you need is email. Create your own beautifully minimalist blog in seconds. For free! Publish your writing effortlessly by sending an email, or use our delightfully simple editor.

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Hi there πŸ‘‹ Pagecord is the most effortless way to blog. All you need is email! Create your own beautifully minimalist blog in seconds. Publish your writing effortlessly by sending an email, or use our delightfully simple editor. Pagecord is free with a great value premium offering. The code is open source under the MIT license! ✨ It has loads of additional features such as custom domains, media embeds, post upvoting, image attachments, RSS and social features that allow you to follow other Pagecord blogs. Sign up for free today and let me know what you think!
Varun Nair
Nice one Olly! It’s been great to see this evolve and looking forward to seeing where it goes next!
@varunn thanks so much Varun! πŸ™
Naijeria Toweett
Loving it ... no frills , clean and painless.
@naijeriatoweett thank you so much Naijeria!!