Ardalan Pouyabahar

Pacely Project Management - Let AI learn your code and guide your development

Pacely is a fully-fledged project management tool with an AI assistant that delves into your Github repositories, masters your codebase, and becomes your development companion.

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Ardalan Pouyabahar
Hello Product Hunters! šŸš€ We're thrilled to unveil Pacely, your AI-powered development buddy in a fully featured project management tool that is set to revolutionize your software development process. We've all experienced the slow pace of software development. From ticket creation to closure, countless hours are spent communicating context, locating and understanding relevant code, designing solutions, seeking feedback, implementing, and testing. These manual steps consume a significant amount of time and cognitive effort. What if we could change that by offloading many of the cognitive tasks to AI? That's where Pacely comes in. Pacely connects to your GitHub repositories, learns your code, and becomes your development companion. It provides step-by-step guidelines for tasks, walks you through code, helps you find, analyze, and fix bugs, offers system design advice, and more. Available on Slack, Pacely reduces time spent asking questions, waiting for answers, onboarding new employees, analyzing problems, and brainstorming. Imagine an engineer who knows everything about the code and is always online. Below is a list of a few example queries Pacely can help with: ā†’ There is a bug with monthly plan renewals: some of the customers were charged twice this month. help me find the bug. ā†’ Walk me through how bitcoin payment is received and processed in the system. ā†’ Winner determination logic has become very slow. help me investigate. ā†’ Provide an initial system design for accepting Ethereum. Focus on making it consistant with how we accept bitcoin. ā†’ Help me write some tests for method 'rank_plays!' in class 'Match' ā†’ Explain method 'deliver_prizes!' in class 'Match' Possibilities are endless. This powerful AI assistant does not come alone, of course, but is built on top of a fully-featured project management platform designed to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. In addition to sprints, estimations, burnup charts, subtasking, filtering, batch updates, epics, labels, GitHub development tracking, and Slack notifications, we've paid attention to details that may not be obvious at first sight but address some long-standing pain points in project management. These include the ability to have multiple backlogs using stacks, enabling sub-stories to inherit the parent's ID with a suffix counter, automatic detection of uncompleted stories upon finishing sprints and giving you options to move them to other stacks, putting the sprint progress chart right in front of your eyes, giving you a bird's eye view of all stacks when you are planning the upcoming sprints, moving completed stories to the bottom of stacks automatically, flexible sprint lifecycle, and much more. We're beyond excited to share Pacely with the Product Hunt community and would love to hear your feedback. P.S. 1. Just a heads-up, our AI repository training is still in beta and currently supports only Java, Javascript, Typescript, Ruby, Python, Elixir, and Terraform. We're working hard to boost the AI's efficiency and accuracy, and your feedback is super valuable in this journey. If you've tried it out, we'd really appreciate hearing about your experience! 2. We have ambitious visions for this product. There is still much more to come. Follow us for future updates. @pacelydev on Linkedin @pacelydev on Twitter
mahsa abadian
@pacelydev @ardalan_pouyabahar Wow, Pacely looks like a game-changer for software development! šŸš€ The AI integration to streamline coding tasks is impressive. Can't wait to try it out. How can Pacely be leveraged to streamline the development and launch of a new product (i.e. starting a repository)? Any specific use cases or best practices?
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@pacelydev @mahsa_abadian Great question Mahsa. Pacely generally comes with 3 main AI functions as of now: (1) generates guideline based of all your existing repos. (2) answering any question base on your current repo, and (3) generic questions. To be honest I can think of cases where all three could be helpful for starting a new package. with guideline, Pacely tells you where to start from by analyzing how you have managed your current packages and will provide steps to help you do it again. There is a good chance it tells you to document steps so you can do it agian. (like for example for seeding a new microservice package) With numebr 2) you can use Pacely to have it answer and address your specific question: example being: our current repos are written in ruby, how do we start a nodejs package that talks to rabbitmq like other ruby packages do. and number 3) is simply a gpt chat you have easy access to. Use it only if you do not want AI to look at your code when it populates an answer for you. Hope this answer your question. Feel free to ask any other questions. we are here to help.
Alex Chepovoi
My big congrats on the launch! Best of luck, guys! šŸš€
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@alex_chepovoi Thanks Alex, Please give it a spin and let us know how it worked for you :)
Cris Barnilova
I love Pacely because it helps me manage my projects efficiently and collaboratively with its intuitive interface and smart features.
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@chloe_boone That just made my day cris! Thank you. let us know how AI worked for you
Johnny Yoo
As a non technical individual, I can already see different use cases to help save time - nice product
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@johnysyoo Thanks Johnny. That is exactly right. no more waiting for dev team to answer your questions. It would be awesome if you could tell us how we can better tune the slack experience for non-technical team members. We probably could add another AI invokation command to make AI's response less techy. Let us know what you think.
Meysam Feghhi
Launching soon!
@johnysyoo @ardalan_pouyabahar That is also what i was thinking about. Maybe an option to continue the conversation on the slack.
Sina Zargaran
Congrats on the launch @mesius @ardalan_pouyabahar! I'm very excited to see where Pacely goes. Can't wait to use it šŸ¤©
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@mesius @sina_zargaran Thank you Sina. Let us know what you think when you had some time to test it :)
Meysam Feghhi
Launching soon!
Great post @ardalan_pouyabahar! Proud of you guys!
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@mesius Thanks buddy. hope we can get featured soon!
Amit Arora
looks very interesting and promising
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@amit_arora Thanks Amit. Do share your experience with AI with us if you tried it out :)
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@ako61142833 Thanks for posting this :)
Ayhan Dzhemalov
Trying it immediately!
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@ayhan_dzhemalov So exciting! Do let us know how it worked? šŸ¤ŸšŸš€
pooya abolghasemi
@ardalan_pouyabahar congrats on the launch very interesting project! Does pacely support multiple programming languages within the same repo?
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@pooya_abolghasemi Great Question Pooya! it does. Our Repository reader finds and learns any file written in Java, Javascript, Typescript, Ruby, Python, Elixir, and Terraform. We plan to support more languages soon. If you happen to have any repo based in any other language let us know. we are also gathering stats about which languages our users love and use most so we can tune our AI parser for those.
Naveed Rehman
Hey, congrats on launching Pacely Project Management! The AI-powered code learning and development guidance sounds amazing. I can already imagine how this innovative feature will greatly benefit developers, helping them streamline their process and enhance their productivity. Who were the main users involved in testing the product during development?
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@naveed_rehman Thank you for the encouragement! We're really proud of Pacely's AI-powered capabilities. To answer your question, Pacely is genuinely a solution made "for developers, by developers." Our team, having faced many of the challenges in software development ourselves, understood the pain points firsthand. Throughout the development phase, we leaned on a network of close colleagues and friends in the industry. These are folks who've experienced similar frustrations and challenges, and their insights were instrumental in shaping the product. It's been a collaborative journey, and we're thrilled to bring this solution to the broader developer community.
Best Of AI
šŸ„‚ Here's to the fantastic journey you're embarking on with your product. Cheers!
Matt Littlefair
Well done guys! This looks incredible!
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@matt_littlefair3 Thanks matt! Glad you liked it! if you had a chance to try it out, let us know how we can improve
Farshad Sahafzadeh
Wow, this sounds like an amazing product! Congratulations @ardalan_pouyabahar for launching Pacely. Iā€™m looking forward to trying out Pacely and seeing how it can revolutionize my software development process. Iā€™m sure your team has put a lot of hard work and passion into creating this product, and I hope it gets the recognition and success it deserves. šŸ˜Š
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@firiz Thanks Farshad! We will probably reach out soon to get exclusive feedback from you my friend :)
Yaşar ƖztĆ¼rk
Kudos for the launchšŸš€
Jamal Hussain
Now, this is what AI is. This is the perfect app for project management and increasing developers and team productivity.
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@jamalhussayn Wow Jamal! You just made my day! Cant for you to test it.
Hamed Zamani
Sounds like an amazing tool for increasing productivity in programming and managing large projects. Well done! Great to see that it can be integrated with GitHub repositories. I have seen multiple applications of large language models in the space of software engineering and most of them naively use LLMs. This is the first product I see with a great vision. It would be amazing to see some statistics on how much of programmers' time (for both junior and senior programmers) Pacely can save through some (potentially complex) use cases.
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@hamedzamani Good thinking! We will probably use our social accounts (linked in and twitter) to post those kind of updates. Follow us to stay up-todate with out progress.
Irsa Doham
Pacely's project management approach is intriguing! How does it provide visual timelines that help teams easily track project progress and deadlines?
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@irsa_doham Thanks Irsa! In our current version, the only time-series visualization we have is the progress chart which is a burnup chart. That will be visible when you kick off a sprint. The higher level timeline (the gantt chart view) is not yet prioriatize. We are here today hear what our users want us to build and then we will commit ourselves to deliver what our users need. This process takes a bit of time as this is a commodity area and requires time to be mature. :) please let us know more about what kind of progress tracking do you have in mind and lets hop on a call to discuss how we can make it work best for your need. shoot us an email at and we will schedule a call with you to discuss this further :)
Alberto Saavedra
Hello! Congrats on the launch! I already see how engineers can provide faster answers to customer support and product by using the AI assistant. Super exciting to see this product take off!
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@alberto_saavedra Thanks Alberto. If you had a chance to give it a try, let us know how accurate did you find the AI feature
Kate Rusalovich
Congrats on the launch @mesius @ardalan_pouyabahar! I guess your main competitor is Jira. As a founder and product/project manager I can plan sprints in Jira, see priority, group tickets in epics, and customize boards. What is your main value to convince users to switch from Jira to Pacely?
Ardalan Pouyabahar
@mesius @kate_rusalovich Hi Kate. Our key differentiators are: no configuration needed (as opposed to jira which is incredibaly complicated to configure), innovative organization with stacks with benefits such as: multiple backlogs, and story grouping (this is different from epics and labels), relative priorities (that is not affected by how you move stories on the board), bird's eye view for planning sprints, putting progress chart in a very accessible position right in front of your eyes, easy to reason about sub-story ids, and of course our golden differentiator: AI assistant that is trained on your code. shoot us an email at so we can book a demo for you and show you all these key advantages over Jira :)