Hey Ben, I would love to! Well, my co-founders Kurt, Zack and I worked at a product development firm together when Kurt was taking care of his twin cousins, one of which had cerebral palsy. He saw how his aunt was physically sick from the stress she was going through every day and the thought came: "How is it that we have so much amazing technology in the world but my aunt has to use old fashioned audio and video to give her some peace of mind? Shouldn't there be something better?" Well earlier that week we had learned about pulse oximetry (the little red light that they clip on your finger when you go into the hospital) and it all just kind of clicked. From there we funded the Owlet on business plan competitions and a lot of passion for an entire year. Then we raised a $2M seed round and went deep into product development and now after almost a whole year of beta testing, a few hospital partnerships, a series A funding, a grant from the National Institutes of Health, and over 2 billion infant heart beats measured, we are transitioning out of private beta to public release. Along with that we are announcing these amazing stories from mothers in the video above.
@danielkempe Thanks Daniel. Ya so we are actually measuring skin temperature which is different from body temperature. We don't show it to customers because we don't want them to confuse the two, and because it is not that useful to your everyday parent. However on our end collecting the skin temperature helps us hone in our algorithms and improves the overall user experience.
@jordanjmonroe@danielkempe Yes, a way to alert parents of core temperature was something I started working on a few years back, because my little girl suffered from febrile convulsions. It was always so scary at night not knowing her temperature. That would be an awesome addition to Owlet - even if it was something that wrapped around the shoulder under the armpit...
@danielkempe Yes I think that would be a great feature to add. I am sorry about your little girl. I have heard about a connected thermostat that goes under the armpit called Smart Temp. They are new and I dont know how accurate they are but its out there. We are looking into getting internal temperature using our infra red lights. Not sure how accurate it would be though.
@danielkempe Yes I think that would be a great feature to add. I am sorry about your little girl. I have heard about a connected thermostat that goes under the armpit called Smart Temp. They are new and I dont know how accurate they are but its out there. We are looking into getting internal temperature using our infra red lights. Not sure how accurate it would be though.
@jamie_mci Wow Jamie, I am completely flattered. I am going to show your post to some people in the office who wanted a really flashy commercial instead. haha We feel so lucky to have such passionate customers.
First time dad to a 5-week early preemie earlier this year:
1) From a hospital-stay POV, I would have loved to have this instead of all the wires. For heartache of seeing her connected AND for simple functionality of learning to change a diaper & sleeper, while avoiding 3 connected & tangled wires
2) From a back-home POV, DEFINITELY this would have eased our transition back home and weening the newbie moms/dads off the constant monitoring at hospitals. Peace of mind, no doubt.
Random thought, from a health payer product guy by day: Could this be covered as DME if deemed medically necessary in some way? Food for thought!
@kenychang Hey Ken, Thanks! and Yes totally agree on 1) and 2). It is totally possible with more research in a few years that Owlet be reimbursable by insurance like the breast pump.
@jordanmonroe great product and with so much potential, congrats! I would like to know what was the agreement with R/GA, were they involved with what exactly? thanks!
Owlet Smart Sock
Owlet Smart Sock
Owlet Smart Sock
Owlet Smart Sock
Owlet Smart Sock
The Outsider: Invest in America
Owlet Smart Sock
CanvasPop Scented Prints
Owlet Smart Sock