Alexis Piperides

Overflow Figma Plugin - Turn your Figma designs to beautiful user flow diagrams 🚀

The new Overflow Figma plugin makes the design syncing process from Figma to Overflow smoother, faster, and overall more intuitive, allowing you to create beautiful user flow diagrams and stunning design presentations with minimum effort.

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Alexis Piperides
I am thrilled to introduce one of our latest and most-requested features, our brand new Overflow plugin for Figma! For those already familiar with Overflow, Figma is not new to Overflow as our original integration exists for some time. Nevertheless, the new Overflow plugin makes syncing smoother, faster, and overall more intuitive for the user, especially for large projects with many screens. Simply install the plugin, select the Figma frames you want to sync, find Overflow in your Figma Plugins menu, and click 'Sync to Overflow' on the pop-up modal that appears. That's basically all it takes! Got any questions or feedback? The rest of the team and I will be happy to hear from you!
John Daczicky
Oh cool, we were just looking for a good app for flow charts. And we are big Figma users. Gonna give this a try right now.
Constantinos Vitoratos
@john_deee let us know how it went for you and your team!
Steve Yang
What tools can turn figma file to flow diagram ?
Constantinos Vitoratos
@steve_yang1 Overflow contains everything you need to make that happen, once you sync your Figma frames. Take a look at this video to better understand the process:
This plug-in is great! However, I haven't sync my page to overflow successfully from figma the error message says "Connection failed: A connection with Overflow couldn't be established. Please ensure that Overflow is open and sync again." Should I do anything else? I thought all I have to do is make sure overflow is open. Need help badly : (
Alexis Piperides
@susanclam it should definitely work as you expected :( Can you please contact our support team so that they can look into it. Perhaps you will need to provide information like your OS version, etc. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Eugene Rudyy
Using Overflow for more than 2 years now I think. Brings great visibility in collaboration between product, designers and eng. This plugin is long time awaited update!
Constantinos Vitoratos
@rudpunk thanks for your encouraging words and enjoy the plugin!
Victor Iryniuk
I find Figma's native prototyping capabilities enough for my usecases. However, this looks interesting... will definitely be giving it a try.