Thomas Schranz ⛄️

oratio Automate - Automatically chat with customers on Messenger, Viber & more

oratio Automate makes it easy to automatically reply to your customers' questions on Facebook Messenger, Viber, Telegram, Kik and soon Twitter – all on one platform.

Let smart chatbots do the work and focus on what matters, your customers.

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Bernhard Hauser
Thanks for hunting, @__tosh! Team oratio is excited to launch Automate with the PH community today! This particular feature helps companies to instantly reply to frequently asked questions on Facebook Messenger, Viber, Telegram, Kik and soon Twitter DMs with the help of smart automation. We realized that messengers are already very important channels for people from all over the world to stay in touch with their friends and families. Now we enable businesses to catch up and offer a smart and convenient way of getting in touch with their customers! Some highlights: • Automate detects words and phrases & responds to them in over 16 languages even when users make typos • All major networks are supported: Facebook Messenger, Viber, Telegram, Kik and soon Twitter DMs • A Conversation Menu makes information quickly accessible across all supported networks • Every conversation can be sent over to a human agent and hence switch between personal and automated responses (see the GIF!) Check out a live demo on Messenger at and ask questions about e.g Telegram, Viber, prices, ChatbotConf – or simply request human support! Now it's your time, please leave us your questions and feedback 😇 We are here and we are listening!
Michael Kamleitner
Wohoo, great work @_bernhard! I just wish this would work with my personal FB/Messenger profile...
Bernhard Hauser
@_subnet I imagine my mom texting me like 'What do you want for dinner' and the answer would always be '🍕'
Michael Kamleitner
@_bernhard Haha, my mom is not on FB Messenger (or any messenger) - luckily!! But seriously, the more business communication moves to FB messenger (whether you like it our not), the more need I see for simple things like out of office, forward to email etc. Unfortunately , afaik, the FB API doesnt really support personal Messenger profiles, does it?
David Pichsenmeister
@_bernhard @_subnet unfortunately not for personal messages :( I would love to have it for personal messages too
Natalie Korotaeva
Nice video explanation :) Btw do I need to know how to code to set up Automate? or how doest it work?
Bernhard Hauser
Thanks @natalie_korotaeva! It's straight forward and you don't need to know a single line of code. First set your desired language, then pre-define your answers in Knowledge Base and enter the words & phrases Automate should respond to ✨ Ready! You can find all the settings in the Configure menu of your oratio account.
Allan Berger
Congrats on the launch @_bernhard and team! 🎈👌 I'd be curious which use cases you as makers see customers use Automate for ideally?
Bernhard Hauser
Thanks @allanberger 🤓 and happy to answer your question! Since you are very flexible with Automate when it comes to answering questions automatically, you can already cover a variety of use cases. Probably the most important ones however are related to customer service and support. Our customers said most of the time they are replying to the same questions over and over again, that's why we decided to build Automate and save their teams time and resources! ✨
Mike Heininger
Congrats! Sounds really cool ... What if the user asks a questions Automate knows no answer to?
Bernhard Hauser
Hey @mikeseeh! We know this happens in a lot of cases since Automate is designed to specifically tackle first level support. If however a question might be too specific or was not yet added to Knowledge Base (where Automate gets the answers from), you can always move this conversation to a human agent. We call this feature Human Takeover. The cool thing about Human Takeover is that the customer on the other side does not need to change the chat at all! The conversation simply switches from automation to manual chats.
Christoph Maria Löwenherz
hi, this looks like it can save me quite some time! Can you let us know how the automation works exactly? Does it recognize frequently asked questions? do you have to set the response manually? Which languages do you support?
Bernhard Hauser
Cheers @christoph_loewenherz! Yes, our aim is definitely to save your team some time 🚀 Okay, let me give you a simple example. Let's say you run an online shop for sports apparel. You offer your customers to get in touch with you not only through contact forms on your website, but also through Messenger & Telegram. Since most the customers' questions are related to shipping, payment and return policy, you set these pre-defined answers in Knowledge Base and define trigger word and phrases ('shipping', 'delivery', 'how long') and that's it! Questions now get replied automatically. However, if a customer has a more specific question, s/he can request to chat with a human agent through our feature Human Takevover. No conversation is lost and sales are made! Currently we support in total 17 languages including Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Brazilian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
Felix Häusler
Cool stuff! I just saw in the video that you added the "demo" term to the automation logic. How do you tackle issues, like understanding the difference between "show me a demo" and "what is a demo" or other semantic recognition (Mars bar vs. Mars Planet)?
Bernhard Hauser
Thanks for your question @felix_hau! This is a good one. You can define trigger words and _phrases_ Automate responds to. Let's say you want to distinguish between 'Whats is a demo' and 'Show me a demo'. Simple as that, you can define these two phrases separately and hence reply separately.
Nik Graf
Congrats on the launch 👌 I'm wonder if it's possible to connect conversations of customers that came in from different messaging networks to one conversation? Collecting all the relevant information about a customer in one tool is a struggle I face.
David Pichsenmeister
@nikgraf Keeping track of customer conversations on different channels is definitely a struggle nowadays. Unfortunately our tool is currently not capable of merging these conversations, but definitely something we are considering to implement. Thanks for the feedback!
Thomas Peham
Congrats on the launch! Is it also possible to not offer a "human takeover" and only use the "Automate" part of your service? (I'm asking because I heard that question a few times as some companies might not have a 24/7 support to take over all the conversations)
David Pichsenmeister
@tompeham no, that's currently not possible. But you don't need a 24/7 support to take over the conversations. Our current flow is that every message is handled by Automate. The user can request human support at any time. This triggers a takeover message which is configured by the business and a notification to the agents. Automate will still keep answering messages until a human agent takes over the conversation through the oratio interface. This will cause Automate to pause. The agent can then pass the conversation back to Automate as soon as the request is resolved.
Matt Samet
How is this different than
Bernhard Hauser
@yozzozo Smooch focuses on connecting two channels with each other e.g. routing messages from Telegram to Slack and vice versa while oratio offers everything for chatting with customers out of the box: - A simple to use conversation interface - Team support - Personal & automated messaging (oratio Automate) With more to come!