Optimal Health System - Manage your entire health.

The Notion Optimal Health System provides all the essential tools to take control of your health, manage it, and make it a priority in your life.

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Hello Product Hunt family! I'm JR, know as Eazypath, the creator of the Optimal Health System (OHS). I am thrilled to launch my new product with you. Meet the all-in-one health system in Notion, perfect for anyone who wants to keep an eye on their well-being. You can track medical info, daily medication, activity, sleep, menstrual cycles, and set health goals. With a one-time purchase, the Optimal Health System helps you track everything about your health, both physical and mental. What can you expect from this product? • A complete health management dashboard. • Save your medical data, records, documents and organize your appointments. • Manage your medicines inventory and track your daily medications. • Plan your weekly activity and track each sessions. • Manage your food inventory, save your meals and plan your weekly menu. • Track your period cycles and access cycle statistics. • Track your sleep duration, quality and write down your dreams. • Save healthy aspirations and divide them into steps. • Write down your moments and see your daily emotions. • Divide your aspirations into specific steps with the assistance of AI. • And much more... The template provides a comprehensive guide to help you navigate all its features. As a bonus, the template includes Notion charts to track your activity time, sleeping time, and meditation time over time. To celebrate the launch, the product is currently 30% off for the next 3 days only. Simply apply the discount code LAUNCHOHS during checkout. I'm eager to hear from you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me right away. I'll be available to assist you.
An essential tool to get your health in order! Congrats on the launch!
@nixisworld Exactly! Thanks for the support Nixi, as always!
Jordi Rodriguez
Interesting and well-organized template. It seems very detailed and simple to use at the same time.
@jordilabs Thanks a lot Jordi for the support! 😃
Notion Life
If you're a health enthusiast you've got to try this tool! With many areas covered such as diet, sleep and meditation, you have everything you need to create sustainable habits and more!
@notion_life Thanks a lot John for your kind words! 😁
Jonny Miles
ooooh nice! Looks very nicely organised 🚀
@jonnymiles Thanks a lot man! Really appreciate it!