Nick Abouzeid

Opera Crypto - Opera's browser now has a built-in cryptocurrency wallet


Opera is launching a private beta version that will include a built-in crypto wallet.

Opera’s crypto wallet will support Ethereum Web3 API and will be integrated with a “default WebView” on top. The press release notes that the wallet will automatically add tokens and collectibles into the wallet.

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Ryan Hoover
Very interesting. I hope this makes dapps more accessible. The current standard of installing 3rd party extensions, creating a wallet, and funding is very inaccessible. Curious what's on the roadmap over the next year for Opera and your general thoughts on this space, @chetaaron.
Valerio Neri
@chetaaron @rrhoover yes, and having this support in the browser might reduce attack vectors exploiting browser plugins
Lazar Jovanovic
Good move Opera! This is the way to return into the world of browsers!
Sven van der Zee
Omg next level shit
Guillaume Bardet
That's really interesting and it seems to be very well executed! Looking forward seeing what they do next with crypto.
Jay Wallace
Looks like they rolled back? Official blog post and 404s
Rudy Lee
Looks interesting!