@mrjonath@jshmc i like it! this would be an awesome thing to open source so people could make their own versions for niche interests. or was that the intention already being implied in the name?
@mrjonath@colemercer I think that's the eventual plan. At the moment the code needs a little bit of tidying up before we're ready to release it to the world!
It's a cool idea and neat design, but I'm curious how you came up with the categories? Seems to touch on just a fraction of the tools needed to build a startup.
Also, you might consider organizing them in the order a startup would use them...perhaps Consumer Research, then Wireframing, then User Testing, etc...
@sailornathan I agree that the order of the category could be different and that there could be other tools to make it even more suitable to the needs of startups. But the thing is that we built this knowing it could help several type of users and we started focusing originally on people who have to deal with strategy (at large), not only startups.
But as @jshmc mentioned it in its reply above, we're definitely thinking and working on how we could make our product more suitable for different type of audiences. Hope it answers your question?
I think there needs to be a collaboration between this site and Petit Hacks, like yesterday.
Tools are great - putting them in the context of how/when (ie the AARRR funnel) would be killer
cc @malditojavi
This is a great idea! There are so many great tools out there, it's difficult to keep track of the ones to use. As people add more tools to the site, will you consider "tool up/down vote"/popularity scores?
@caseyrosengren We're working on a mobile version of the site right now; as most of the tools listed don't work so well on mobile we targeted desktop initially. If you sign up to the newsletter we'll drop you a line as soon as we ship a mobile optimised site (which should be this weekend!).
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