Shahed Khan

Onsites - Craft the absolute best candidate interview experience 👩🏻‍💻

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Onsites helps companies craft the best candidate interview experience by offering tools for hiring teams. We help companies with two products: detailed onsite schedules and fully transparent offer letters.

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Ricky Yean
Great opportunity to show job candidates how much you care about their experience. Onsites helps you demonstrate your company’s competence. This is going from best practice to must have.
Jared Tame
@rickyyean Thanks Ricky! 🙏
Thanks for hunting @_shahedk. As someone who has interviewed at dozens of tech companies over the years, the one thing that always let great brands down is the recruitment experience. I've turned away roles from companies I admired as a consumer because the candidate experience was really poor. So I love this solution you've built @jmtame and how it promotes transparency - what was your motivation to build it? Would also be curious about your strategy for getting more companies to adopt it.
Jared Tame
@_shahedk @abadesi Thanks! I've been on both sides of the interview table. I spent 3 years at my last startup helping them build out their engineering team, and we tried this out as an experiment. The candidates loved it, they came in more prepared, and we ended up hiring some folks who we would have completely missed if we didn't provide the extra preparation and structure (and they were great hires). I'm reaching out to my network right now, but I'm hoping candidates will take the positive experience with them to the companies they end up joining. At some point I hope this becomes standard practice and it starts with a few companies that set the bar really high.
Jared Tame
Hi everyone, co-founder of Onsites here. I'm excited to be sharing our launch on Product Hunt. Happy to answer any questions - feedback also welcome.
Ben Angel
Transparency and proactivity in sharing information is a big sign you're joining a company that truly cares about your success. Great way to enable a better experience for both sides!
Jared Tame
@ben_angel Thanks Ben!
Bryan Weis
This is really neat and nicely executed! I found a small bug while playing around with the offer letter page: dragging the compensation package slider works as intended, but when you click instead of drag, the numbers don't update.
Jared Tame
@bryan_weis Thanks for your message Bryan. That looks like a bug and we'll get that fixed.
Roderick Coutu
It seems interesting.