Quentin Laffont

OnlyDfans - Monetize your Discord with Chargebee & Stripe


With OnlyDfans, you can sell subscription connected to Discord roles with Chargebee or Stripe ! It will take you only 5 minutes ! FREE during beta !

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Quentin Laffont
As a developer and as a community owner, I have created many Discord servers to handle every product support 🫂 or to create gaming communities 🎮. I wanted to create some restricted role to have exclusive content or to have a priority support, but no service exist to handle this. This service need to allow me to assign role if user subscribe to one of my products 💳. To solve that, I created OnlyDfans. It’s a simple service where you can connect your Stripe account or your Chargebee credentials in a couple of minutes. I hope this service will be useful for other users than me ^^ ! Official Discord about the product (Support, New Features Announcement, etc.) : https://discord.gg/cY58pMA2Hb
Frank Hald
Hi Quentin while being free during beta, as a beta user, will I be billed once OnlyDfans is out of beta? :) Looks cool though!
Quentin Laffont
@frank_hald2 Yes, the subscription will be active only if you have an active subscription in your server :)
Vincent Chaglasyan
Solid stuff! :)
Quentin Laffont
@vincechag Thanks ! Hope you will enjoy the product ^^ !