The most widely used customer engagement solution
George Deglin
Parse to OneSignal Push Importer — Easily migrate to OneSignal's 100% free push service.
Joshua Dance
100% sounds less good after Parse. Any signals you could present that OpenSignal will be around for a while?
George Deglin
@joshdance We love what we do and we're great at it. Parse's Database-as-a-Service model never really worked out because large companies preferred to build in-house database infrastructure. When it comes to push, even the largest companies in the world prefer to use a 3rd party solution like ours.
Dean Perry
100% free? How are you making money?
George Deglin
@deanperry Thanks for asking! Our business model is similar to great services like Flurry Analytics and AppAnnie. We get to collect lots of valuable insights on mobile user behavior from the many apps that use our service, these insights are highly valuable to companies who can use it to improve their advertising and market research efforts.
Ben Myers
Martin Javier Stojka
It will help us. Thank you!