oneminute (@oneminuteapp) started, launched, and grew with Product Hunt.
With 2.0, we have now built the following additional features from our roadmap.
- nearby: what’s happening near you
- hop: view more moments from the place of your choice
- double shot: refer a friend, capture a bigger photo
- comments: talk about what you see with everyone around the world
From 1.0, to 2.0, there have been countless ups and downs. We wish to share what's kept us going.
Craziest moments captured on oneminute
Die-hard fans
We have been focusing on personal touch with our users, through local meetups and social media.
- local meetups: Dolores Park, Apple store, Italy
​- Instagram/Facebook: highlight the best moments of the day
- Twitter/Snapchat: interact with users on a daily basis
The tools we found from Product Hunt have been massively helpful.
- Pexels 2 ( license-free photo for our post. we encourage users to come share their thoughts on a top post
- ANewstip ( journalist outreach
- Unicorns ( for online demo/ QA
- Tailor ( for stitching oneminute feed into one long photo
With one ton of love, from oneminute team.
@alexyoungkwon Hey Alex! Love OneMinute. I use it everyday since I've downloaded it. The idea of "doubles" given for invitations is fantastic. The only thing lacking is "unliking" a post :-)
@marwannas Hi Marwann! Thank you for the kind words. We heard from quite a few users about the request, but we believe in providing as few steps as possible on the interaction around the stream. Do you have a suggestion that we can consider? This is why we love Product Hunt. We can hear back from high quality makers. 👯
Tiny Notes
Tiny Notes
Tiny Notes
Tiny Notes