Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!

One Page Love 3.0 - Infinitely scroll through design inspiration

The One Page Love v3 redesign is here! Highlights include a new fixed header with suggestive search. Archives now feature long-scrolling website screenshots (via new CDN) with infinite scroll functionality. Not to mention a new color scheme, logo & typeface!

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Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
Hey PH! Can you believe One Page Love turns 11 next week! Over the past few months I’ve been testing new features and I’m stoked to finally announce the v3 redesign is here. Let’s dive into the changes...
  1. New Logo, Color Scheme & Typeface - It’s time to say goodbye to a decade of pink and roll out the carpet to a stronger red color scheme, a tighter logo and the stunning Sofia Pro typeface.
  2. Fixed header with Suggestive Search - The (reduced-height) website header bar now stays visible as you scroll, allowing you to browse categories or search at any time. When searching you are now prompted with existing One Page Love categories, tags and content.
  3. Longer Website Screenshots in Archives - All long-scrolling One Pagers now appear at double the old length in the category archives and search results (example).
  4. Infinite Scroll Archives with new Image CDN - The website footer and numbered pagination is completely done. Long live infinite scrolling archives with new Image CDN (IMGIX) to help browse website inspiration and find feature references way faster.
More v3 updates:
  • New Podcast category and interview series - Episode #001 is with @ajlkn
  • Website reviews can now preserve designs forever with a huge 2560px wide, Retina-optimized screenshot (example)
  • New design of trend and top award round-ups (example)
  • ALL free website template downloads are now hosted by One Page Love (example). This prevents One Page Love readers from visiting 3rd-party websites prompting signups and silly things.
What can I say, a pretty emotional update for me, I’m super proud how far One Page Love has come. I can’t thank you enough for the support over the years! Let me know if you want to know anything about the build...
Colin Winhall
@robhope Wooo! Congrats Rob! This is a great improvement. Also, to be doing this for 11 years is a huge accomplishment in itself!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@colinwinhall Ha, it's like my little child I've watched grow up hey Colin! But yes, there is absolutely no ways it would have got to this stage if I wasn't passionate about searching, collecting and building simple, clean One Page websites that get straight to the point:) Thanks for the message, really appreciate it!
Deepak (Raj) Devjani
@robhope Hey! are you thinking time_spent as the kpi for the site or number of subsequent sessions by teh same visitors as the main kpi? and what are you using to know those numbers? google analytics?
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@ddevjani Hi Deepak! It's Google Analytics (embedded as high as possible lol) It's interesting how KPI has changed for me over time. Definitely not page views (with new infinite scroll) but average time on site is important to me and of course bounce rate. 72% of traffic is organic search and as beautiful as that sounds, I'd love a higher percentage of core followers filling in. Just trying to add value each day and hope for the best!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@richp_ Thanks so much for the kind words Rich!
Noel Tock

Submit your one pager?


Very well curated, lots of inspiring material.


Not that I can think of.

Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
Cheers! I'm trying to get stricter with curating. But more lenient on categories with less references if that makes sense. The goal is always try save the user time but providing the best references as possible (often relating to client brief).
Rupak Mishra
Love the collection!!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@mshra_ji Thank you Rupak - amazing what daily work for 11yrs can become lol. I actually started to remove a lot of the template listings though, lots of broken demo links. Need to keep doing this! Appreciate the comment!
Jim Canto
11 years is truly impressive. Keep up the great work! I'll be spending more time with OnePageLove in the coming weeks and will inform you of any bugs I find. I appreciate your efforts in this space.
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@jimcanto Please keep sending them Jim - best part of a community is the interactive between just two people (like you and me) can lead thousands of others into a better place. Thanks for the kind words!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@jimcanto Cheers Jim!
Musharof Chowdhury
V3 looks and feels much better! 😍 thanks for embracing changes at right time. +1 for infinite scroll, long screenshots and optimized/faster OPL 👏
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@musharofchy thank you Musharof! I was actually going to announce last week but the 4 column design wasn't right, so glad I delayed. It's really tight now and that new CDN is wonderful. Thanks so much for the support as always 🙏
Musharof Chowdhury
@robhope I replied you via email immediately as you asked for review. Seems, changes are more than felt at glance. You are most welcome man, much love ❤️
Ahmad Awais ⚡

You should submit your site here to get more eyeballs :)


Best site for finding design inspiration, that actually gets updated every week or sometimes every day!


None. None. None. Did I say none?

Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
Thank you Ahmad, I think my record is 7 in a day;) But yes, averaging around 9 a week now, I think 2 a day is a golden number:)
Dan Edwards
Congrats on the launch @robhope! Always enjoyed One Page Love as a source of inspiration and I love this re-design, keep up the great work!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@de Cheers Dan - appreciate the message - I actually rolled out the 4 column grid layout 2 weeks ago with 3 different height thumbnails that creating "browsing fatigue". Reverting to 3 columns with 2 thumb heights improved the experience SO MUCH. I really need to write a blog about this soon, maybe I'll make a video.
Dan Edwards
@robhope Would love to read/watch that :)
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@de I'll put something together in the next 2 weeks I think.
Musharof Chowdhury

I am big fan of Rob's work, would like to thank him for embracing changes at right time.


- Creating positive impacts on web design - Great reviews on One Page sites - Much needed Infinite scroll (v3) - Improved UX (v3)



Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
I'd say the infinite scroll was about 2 years overdue! Thanks for the supportive words, glad you agree the UX is better:)
Danny Postma
Been using Robs amazing platform for what, 8 years now? And I still come back every week to see what epic designs he has found yet again. Keep it going man! 👏🏻
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@dannypostmaa 8 years, big love Danny! Added a comment earlier on this thread saying it's incredible what daily work becomes over time.... 7000 posts o_O - I probably need to break down a lot of the designs and I think more people need to know about IMGIX and how you simply change the string after the image URL to change dimensions/design vs uploading "featured images" of 7000 posts. What is your setup on LandingFolio?
Danny Postma
@robhope Dude, I was thinking about that yesterday. I need to send you my scraper I build in Google Spreadsheets. Saves you even more time. Check your mail ;). I don't rely on my Screenshot API hosted elsewhere as I want to host the screens myself. Too scared they will loose their database one day and I loose al my content.
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@dannypostmaa Cheers, will look out the email. So IMGIX duplicate your folder and then start delivering the images. Setup ridiculously easy. In other words, you always have your folder of "master images" on your hosting.
Dan Dan
I know you are going for speed here... but thumbnail images are so low-res I don't want to look at them, and that's a problem when the whole site is made of images.
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@tostartafire Hey Dan - really appreciate the constructive comment here. So you are the first to mention this after a couple weeks testing and I'd love to know a bit more. In my opinion the quality of @1x non-Retina archive images are a bit low and I need to increase it. The huge problem is when resizing 7k images and setting a direct quality of just say 50% is there are some busy images (trees, crowds) that land up being huge file sizes. Can you please share what device you are running and browser? Many thanks!
Dan Dan
@1x @robhope chrome, I have a macbook pro 2017 plugged to a dell external monitor (not a great one). I see the issue on either screen. The problem is that low res jpgs leave that pixelated residue (whatever that's called) around elements/corners in the image, specially around text. I'm no designer, but was always instructed to save images with text in it as PNGs, but then you pay for the large size. I honestly don't know of a batch way of doing this, I was going to suggest using a 3rd party api to to the resizing for you but it looks like you are already using one. It might be a matter of tweaking settings with imgix or prepping images before hand by using photoshop actions. I would suggest resize first, compress second.
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@1x @tostartafire Thanks for the suggestion Dan and also for your specs, will keep optimizing as I go. Next up is refining the Podcast format then Email Love launch! Again, I really appreciate this feedback - cheers!
Ahmad Alam
11 years! @robhope Thank you for making the internet a beautiful place. I've known about OPL for a while now and it's just amazing to see how it has turned out even better with the update. Love everything about it ^^
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@ahmad_alam1 thanks so much Ahmad! Yeah 11, like a child growing up all so fast:) Thanks again for the kind words, the community is a huge reason I keep going.
Marc Perel
Rob, 🦸‍♂️ It's no secret I'm a big fan of your work but I really I love this new design, especially the attention to detail on the longer screenshots. What was your thought process around changing the logo type? Was it necessary to bring the brand up to a more mature level or was it purely aesthetic? The new search functionality is promising, nice work all round!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@marcperel cheers for the love man. Yeah good question about branding. TBH that old pink was killing me as I work on OPL all day lol. It was time for change but what I didn't mention was this rebranding (intentionally) paves the way for the Email Love dual-branding using the same red. Always long game, one launch at a time;)
John O'Nolan
But I hate change!!! Just kidding, very nice work here Mr. Hope - 11 years is a long time! I'm particularly excited about that new podcast category.
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@johnonolan - yeah, OPL almost a teen! Cheers, got some respectable guests coming up ;P
Hey Rob, I've been following your website since I can remember and this improvement is just another solid step in the right direction. Love the colors, header, infinite scroll and the masonry like layout. The subtle logo edit looks great too :) Keep up the great work and bring on those wonderful inspirational websites!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@pirenko Thank you so much! I'm so glad I rolled out the features over months instead of one big go. Much easier to solve issues incrementally and fully understand why each one didn't go to plan.
Matthew J Houghton

High quality inspiration on one pagers... Too easy.


Quick to load, lots of content, easy to use.


None at the moment.

Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
That IMGIX CDN truly is the MVP on this redesign. Glad you finding the load time nippy.
Matthew J Houghton
Epic work Rob! You've struck a great balance with this! The branding is great - a subtle evolution that feels familiar to One Page Love which also packs a punch from that new red.
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@mattjhoughton Cheers man, yeah I was saying to @marcperel that pink was slowly killing me lol. But yeah, feels stronger. I've been testing it locally for months and really quite an eyesore when reverting to pink - so the right move!
Noel Tock
Congrats @robhope , way to go!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@noeltock Cheers Noel! I was actually was going to mention in this launch promo how it all aligns with the Email Love launch, but think it would dilute the announcement a bit. Super proud where the site has gone over the years!
Benjamin Brandall
Loving the redesign, especially the longer screenshots. 😍 Congratulations Rob!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@benjbrandall Thank you Ben! Yeah it's super interesting as I had 4 columns of long screenshots at 3 different heights and it actually became exhausting to browse over time. This was because your eye would skim left to right at several different levels. This redesign has the post titles in either of 2 rows (if that makes sense) making it MUCH better for the reader.
Mansi Abnave
great product!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@mansi_abnave Cheers Mansi - come a long way since 2008 with baby screenshots!
Greg Priday
Great work @robhope and @manuelmoreale. This takes what was already working well and makes it even better. I love these kinds of updates. Keep on evolving and OPL will keep going strong for another 11+ years.
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
@manuelmoreale @gregpriday Cheers! Yeah quite challenging making design changes to posts of 10yrs old with tiny screenshots and no custom review. But happy with how it came out, all about giving users the inspiration they are after.