Hey team,
Gorgeous design, congratulations on launch and a successful Kickstarter campaign.
A few design questions that I'm curious about:
- From what I know, GPS speed calculations are more accurate than standard speedometers (they're vehicle independent, they're not based on wheel motion, etc.), but refresh rate of speed is slightly lower than that of a mechanical speedometer, isn't it? (I'm unaware what's the refresh rate at which you average distance between measurements, or if you've tweaked the typical doppler shift calculation to do so) . Given that you've designed Omata to portray the needle motion of a traditional speedometer, have you noticed any existing users noticing inconsistencies between that design and the variability of the needle? (Example: if we average speed every 1 second (1Hz standard, as I think you guys use the GMS6-BU6 or similar), and I suddenly slow down my bike, as a user do I notice the latency, or are you leveraging any heuristics to give the "sensation" that the needle moves up and down?).
- I would love to know the inspiration behind a design with needles, but a rather modern aesthetic, and monospace-looking numbers.
Congratulations again, I'm sure building a product like this one poses a number of challenges. (~24 h life with a GPS unit and a 800mAh battery is pretty cool).
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