Hiten Shah

OhLife - Write in private about your life


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Paul Arterburn
OhLife may be done, but have no fear because Dabble Me is here! http://www.producthunt.com/posts...
Harish Venkatesan
Also reminds me of 750 words!
Ryan Hoover
Just saw this tweet from @dhg (designer at Medium): "A peek at the start screen of a passive journaling app I've been working on: http://dribbble.com/shots/133521..." Looks beautiful. Curious if there's overlap with OhLife.
Anuj Adhiya
Ohlife is done - Another alternative is AhhLife (just hunted it)
Bhagaban Behera
I loved this. But its no more :(
Ryan Hoover
This reminds me of Storyworth, a site to "record family stories." After signing up, you enter your mom or dad's email and it send a question for them to answer each week like, "What was your first car?" or "How did you meet your spouse?" It's rarely discussed but lots of people still write diaries or some version of it. My ex-girlfriend used to record what she did that day and who she spent her time with in Google Calendar.
Nathan Baschez
Such an awesome product name. I used to use this religiously and a few other journaling apps, but i always have trouble sustaining the habit
Ryan Hoover
@hv23 - yeah! Btw, just added 750 Words as a related link above on your behalf. :)