Paul Jarvis

ofCourseBooks - Let your students write, save and share their course notes.

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Paul Jarvis
Hey all, Myself along with @ZackGilbert and @JasonDoesStuff have created a new software product for course makers. It's based off a pain both Jason and I had with making online courses and how the solutions for student workbooks kind of... well... sucked. PDFs take too long to make into fillable pages, Google Docs can be branded but students can easily accidentally delete that branding (and even the questions). So we made this. You can watch the teacher video to see how it works from a teacher's point of view or actually use a working WorkBook on our homepage (to see how it works for a student). We hope you enjoy! Paul. PS: We're also hosting a live, online event today if you want to chat with the founders or learn more about creating courses:
Khürt Williams
I got a message from the system while using Safari on my Mac. Incompatible browser To view the live stream please tune in with desktop Chrome or Firefox. I don't use either of those browsers and have no interesting in instilling them. Something to think about.
Paul Jarvis
@khurtwilliams We didn't build the CrowdCast platform, we only built ofCourseBooks.
Danielle LeComte
Congrats on this - been following along on the podcast.
Paul Jarvis
@daniellelecomte Thanks! Glad to see so many IOH listeners on producthunt :)
Danielle LeComte
@pjrvs Love the video walk through and that you can embed the workbooks - pretty sweet! This is going to help so many folks - right on.
Zack Gilbert
Hello! Technical founder here. Happy to answer any questions people might have.
@zackgilbert hello, I have a training company. I have just discovered this. So, for online courses, how can it be implemented in moodle, chamilo, etc? And for classroom?
Zack Gilbert
@soniallatas Hi Sonia! It was can be implemented into any course software you might use that allows you to paste links or embed. Even if your course is email only, you can still use it by giving your students the link to a workbooks. We haven't check these specific course tools, but they should work fine for how ever you want to use it. Hope that answers your question! Happy to answer any more you have!
I heard about this when I found the Invisible Office Hours podcast season 4. I love that you all published all the process.
Paul Jarvis
@fameal Thanks! Yes, we're basically an open book how how creating this worked and how we made decisions.
Justin Jackson
I bought the early beta and I'm really impressed! This is exactly what's been missing from my current courses.
Jason Zook
@mijustin WOOT! We're glad you got an awesome deal and we get to have you as a customer... for life 😁
Paul Jarvis
@mijustin Woo! Can't wait to release all the new features today that we've got in the pipes 🎉
Jarrod Drysdale
Having designed online courses and worked with a couple of online training companies, I've seen how challenging and time-consuming it can be to interact with students. Instructors either tend to go too far and are practically on call all the time, or don't interact with students enough because of the significant time drain. ofCourseBooks solves a big pain here because it provides a simple and sustainable way to interact with students. While providing a good reason for students to participate—getting help and having a record of their work. Really love this, and hope I get an excuse to use it. Nice work fellas!
Paul Jarvis
@studiofellow Woo! Thank you sir! The pain is real :)
Alex Panagis
Would love this to be integrated into all the schools around the world, it looks like a better version of Google Classroom. It was a lot of more advanced features, but I don't see why the price has to be so high. I'm guessing the product must truly be really great. :) Love ya, Paul Jarvis.
Paul Jarvis
@tpbtv Do you really think $12/month is high? If you're teaching a course, I would assume you'd 10x that with your first course sale...
Alex Panagis
@pjrvs Hey, you're right! I just checked it out, and I realized that I misread. It is a really great system, and it isn't all that pricey.
Don The Idea Guy
Very excited about ofCourseBooks! I'm a paid lifetime member and see all kinds of potential for using this tool.
This is great, the test workbook is really helpful. Thumbs up emoji!
Paul Jarvis
@kelseylk 👍 (sorry, couldn't help myself!)
Congrats! Hope to see more EdTech products coming onto Product Hunt. The pricing plan seems to be for commercial training courses? Is there trial period for teachers? I've only watched the demo, but a few things that seems to be missing is the grading functions and more analytics to view one student or all students' overall progress across workbooks. In the past I've used Google Form to collect feedback from students or Canvas LMS to manage assignment submission. But this seems to be versatile that could be embedded in all kinds of platforms.
Paul Jarvis
@randomor Currently it's for commercial courses mostly. Since it's a note-taking app, we didn't want to add grading, since teachers don't typically "grade" the private notes of their students.