Eric Normand

Grokking Simplicity - Taming complex software with functional thinking


Grokking Simplicity is a friendly, practical guide that will change the way you approach software design and development. It introduces a unique approach to functional programming that teaches you the functional techniques you can use to simplify you software.

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Eric Normand
Hello! I've been working on this book for over a year now, and it's finally ready in early access. If you've ever found functional programming to be inaccessible, obtuse, and academic, you are not alone. I've always wanted to recommend friends a book on FP but I couldn't find one that wasn't inaccessible. So I wrote one myself. Well, it's not done yet! But this is absolutely the book I would give to my close friends, and I hope you will like it, too. All of the code in the book is written in JavaScript. The examples are real-world scenarios. And the approach is friendly and fun. There's no in-book preview on the publisher's page, so I included a couple of screenshots from the PDF so you can get an idea. Rock on! Eric PS What is your favorite programming book? Why do you like it?
✨ Kai Davis ✨
@ericnormand I just come across a copy of "Command Line Crash Course" to up my command line game and I'm in love with the "Shut up and type all of this in" philosophy
Eric Normand
@kaisdavis Nice! No theory just practice :)