Jonathan Abrams

Nuzzel Newswire - Reach top influencers in media, tech, and finance

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Jonathan Abrams
There’s now a new way for businesses to promote their content to top industry influencers in media, technology, and business. Nuzzel Newswire lets you easily place a promoted story in newsletters received by the influencers and busy professionals who rely on Nuzzel to solve their overload and discover important news. You can use Nuzzel Newswire to promote news articles, press releases, blog posts, and more. More info:
Product Pearson
I'd love to hear more about what justifies the $1000 / day price tag.
Jonathan Abrams
@theashtube given the CTR and comparable pricing elsewhere, it's pretty reasonable. But the key thing is that we are offering access to a very unique audience of influencers such as journalists, CEOs, founders, VCs, etc. Which is worth way more than $1000 to the right people.
Csaba Kissi
The list of influencers is quite huge.
Dre Durr💡
Big Fan of Nuzzel Dope🚬🚬🚬
Justin Mitchell
Does this show up as an ad in the newsletter or as native content? Paying $1000 and having to do all the ad copy on my end is a bit scary.
Jonathan Abrams
@itsthisjustin It's a native ad in our newsletters. Not sure what you mean by "ad copy" , but this can be used to promote news coverage, a blog post, press release, etc.
Danny Florian
@abrams exactly what i was looking for!
Ray Sturm
Looks like an incredible way to get in front of a particularly hard-to-reach group of people. Great job, Jonathan and Nuzzel team!
Steven Jacobs
Do the publishers get paid to be on Nuzzel?