Ciao PH!
I've been slowly working on this side project for the last 6 months and starting to see some decent traffic coming through from organic search.
NSDR is getting more and more popular due to the Huberman Lab podcast. He promotes the practice for a bunch of reasons.
Typically a user would have to go to YouTube, watch an ad, keep their phone unlocked to do an NSDR. This is one simple place and a simple domain to remember:
I saw a spike in search traffic for the term, and couldn't help myself jump in to building when I saw the 4 letter domain
Check it out and let me know what you think!
Interested in seeing how it goes? Drop me a follow on twitter:
When I try to get a rest through a day, I can't fall a sleep without some video playing in a background. I don't listen to it, I just need it running. This is a great way to have something not disturbing (ya'all know youtube auto play and that crazy loud youtuber) while not missing vids I want to watch!
Great job man!
I've had "look into NSDR" on my to-do list for a few weeks. I guess this will push me to actually do it. I like that you've added tons of info on what NSDR is and how it can help.
Sick!! This is what I've been waiting for - I got into NSDR via Huberman but have mainly just been loading up random youtube videos which sometimes hit you hard with ads in the middle or are too long/short. Been waiting for a more central place with high quality NSDR tracks so super excited about this. Get Huberman to share this! Good launch Al