Cameron Woodford

Now - The future of online dating, Now.

Now is a location-based social and dating mobile app that makes it easier than ever before for people to meet and enjoy real offline experiences at millions of public venues worldwide. No more endless chatting, fake profiles and time-wasting. We aim to help people connect in the now, where experiences are better shared.

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Cassandra Beaulieu
Now is a fun dating app. I feel like many of those kind of app tried to incorporate the geolocation but Now is different since it focuses on this feature. It's awesome if you're in a public venue and want to meet someone fast. I also like the UX and the design of the app is beautiful. Now is definitely an easy and fun app to meet new people.
Cameron Woodford
@cassandra_beaulieu Thank you kindly for your review!
Kunle Adetayo
Awesome! Definitely going to give it a shot! How did you get techradar and those other media outlets to write about your product?
Cameron Woodford
@teamfc Hey Kunle, I began by reaching out to editors via Twitter, after a while when our name was out there, these write-ups came out without anything push. I do believe some startups pay agencies to get them exposure, but I wouldn't recommend it. Being organic and being framed next to key brands gives us better quality users. Find the right people and create good connections with them.
Veronica Belmont
Curious if you have any women on your team, and what kind of user testing you've done around the app pre-launch. My initial reactions range from "concern" to "creeped out."
Cameron Woodford
@veronica We do, and yes their are many safety protocols designed into the product under the surface.
Nelly Kam
Interesting! Do you have plans to promote it for big events?
Cameron Woodford
@nel_kamai Yes, we are in the process of negotiating several different event promotions in South Cal, San fran, London, Sydney and Brisbane! We will share more details on our social pages, make sure you follow us.
Cameron Woodford
@nel_kamai Yes, it does.
Daeshawn Ballard
I like how this focuses on making plans as well and not just chatting. Great UI.
Briana Hokanson
Asking for clarification - do you have to have exact location revealed in order to see who is available, or do you get a list of "Nearby Singles" first and then match with them to reveal their location? Can you continue to chat if you aren't in the location perimeter? What if I look like garbage that day and want to meet up another time?
Cameron Woodford
@boop Good question! We never reveal exact location always 250m approx, also map cannot zoom in past an X distance. We list singles based on an algorithm which categorizes users based on filter + [activity*distance*timestamp]. You will see a pool of results which fit your discovery settings. If your time availability fits other users, invite icon will be activated. If users communicate, chat from matches will move into notifications area then activity, so you can continue conversations or organize a meetup. So if you match with people in your city, you can continue talking and meet up the next day when your back in town. I hope this helps answer your questions!
Basia Dzosik

Great app and alternative to tinder or bumble to stop time wasting. I have already recommended to some single friends.


User friendly, innovative and love the design!



Jared Krause
"Dating done differently".. Doesn't explain how it's different on the landing page.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Is co-location a good signal for compatibility? Seems pretty arbitrary?
Briana Hokanson
@chrismessina on one hand, if you have a high density of students living on or around a campus it could work well, but it wouldn't be that much different than what other apps are already doing, Grindr is a proven case that location matchups work but generally the intention is uh, short term. I don't know if this would work for people who commute to work in any meaningful way.
Cameron Woodford
@chrismessina @boop We believe friendships and relationships can only start when you meet in person. Now is a solution that combines both users lifestyle variables to allow them to easily meet someone offline in a casual, safe and public environment. Compatibility isn't determined by anything other real-life interaction, regardless of what is marketed to you. Now is about creating the most frictionless way possible to meet new people nearby, much like a giant virtual bar. Treated with the same respect as talking to someone in public Now is the solution to change an industry of time-consuming products into a way to simply meet new people without expectations.
Genia Trofimova
Hi! How is it different from Happn? And how do you plan to grow the audience?
Cameron Woodford
@evgenia_trofimova Hi Evgenia, I'll break down some differences for you. 1 - Happn has no focus on your time schedules or initiating offline meet-ups at real venues. 2 - Happn results are generated from people you crossed paths with, no focus on users outside that variable. 3 - Happn uses 2 low cognitive actions "Like", "Say Hi", it doesn't focus on casually inviting someone for a coffee or drink, or for users to invest more time than tapping a button. 4 - Happn doesn't show you active profiles based on a filter>activity>location>last-login system. 5 - Happn uses a subscription model, we use a PAYG to reduce costs to user. 6 - Happn past the extent of messages doesn't give you a complete process of a functional meet up (time you're free, the time I'm free, both on the way, both checked-in, rating your experience, banning for people who no-show or cancel) I hope this helps, feel free to download happn and Now and compare them :)
Genia Trofimova
@woodfordcam wow, this is a very full and interesting answer. Good luck in connecting people! Happen has never worked for me. So I was wondering.
Gui Alvim
'Abdroiders', you are majority in the world, but you deserve to be single and alone! We, iO(as)sers only date with each other.
Kris Sarma

I have been on many dating apps but this is great and really works as you get to meet someone when you are mutually available.


Unique refreshing design that works and cuts out the time wasting.


None really, I cannot wait for the user base to grow.

Emily N.
This looks interesting
Looks great so far, I really like the UI! Although I don't really understand why nationality and height would matter / are required fields.
Benjamin Lupton
When will this support email signup? I haven’t had a facebook account for years, and many of my friends deleted theirs after the Cambridge Analytica incident.

might be creepy if you can track other users




impression that it is way too mechanic, not fun