The all-in-one workspace
Ben Lang

I'm Ben Lang, Head of Community at Notion. AMA ๐Ÿ‘‡

Back in 2018, I launched Notion Pages on Product Hunt, it was the #2 product of the week. Shortly after, I joined Notion to support the community. Our community has written books about Notion, created mascots, hosted hundreds of events, started full-time businesses around Notion, and much more. Many of the highest-ranking products on Product Hunt in the past two years have been Notion templates. Going back in time, Notion launched on Product Hunt in 2016 as one of the most upvoted products of all time. More than 20 million people use Notion today. I was user #1880 on Product Hunt and I've hunted more than 360 products. AMA!
Emily Hodgins
Hey Ben! ๐Ÿ‘‹ What are some of the best Notion hacks/tips or tricks that power users love, but newbies might not know about?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@ejsnowdon Hi Emily, such a good question, so many hacks/tips come to mind. A few that popped in my head - CMD+Shift+H for last used color is so useful - Simple tables launched yesterday, love these! (/table) - Embed is very useful, try pasting a link from TikTok and choosing "embed" - Synced blocks are great for the same block to appear multiple times in Notion So many more tips come to mind, but I'll save those for another time :)
Emily Hodgins
@benln didn't know about CMD+Shift+H! ๐Ÿคฏ Great tips, thanks Ben ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป
Sharath Kuruganty
Hey Ben! Thanks for doing this AMA. Notion has one of the best communities in tech and I'm glad I was one of the early adopters. What do you think about community-led product growth and how Notion as a company considers it?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@5harath Hi Sharath, so happy to hear you use Notion :) I think community-led product growth gives us the ability to incorporate our community at every stage of the funnel. This can be tremendously impactful from top of funnel growth, all the way to signing enterprise customers. There's a great talk from Olivia, our CRO, on this, definitely recommend checking it out!
Hey Ben. Notion's got diamond hands! Was curious how Notion got its first 100 users? And what was the main value proposition at that time?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@gouthamj That's a great question! I wasn't working at Notion at that time, so I'd be curious to find out as well. Will investigate ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ
Margarita Shvetsova
Hi Ben! When one works on something for several years, it often happens that one gets kind of bored with it. Could you share what keeps you excited after working with Notion for several years? And also, what makes you excited about hunting products here on PH? I am one of those people who failed to get you as a hunter (sorry if I mentioned that several times today ๐Ÿ˜‡), but I am really interested, why it keeps being interesting to be a hunter. The platform goes through changes, the person (hunter) changes... Would be cool to hear about your motivation โœŒ
Ben Lang
Top Product
@margarita_s88 Hi Margarita! That's a great question, I think with Notion it comes to down to the product and community. I love using Notion, I think it's a revolutionary product and it keeps getting better. And I love the community, I'm so inspired by everyone involved in the Notion ecosystem, it really blows my mind each day when I wake up. As for Product Hunt, I generally hunt things I'm excited about using myself. I often miss things, but I try my best! So sorry for not hunting your product.
Margarita Shvetsova
@benln thank you for your reply, Ben. That's awesome that the product keeps you excited. In fact, I encountered many Notion plans for a Product Hunt launch and I thought to myself - hey, this Notion looks great, I can probably use it too! Just need to give me some time about what it can do :) Interesting product and inspiring community - what a great mix! Appreciate your comment on why you launch certain products :) I know you receive lots of messages about PH launches daily - so I wasn't surprised I didn't get a reply. But we did end up getting to #4 Product of the day on Monday - even without a hunter, so I am happy anyway ๐Ÿ˜€
Ben Lang
Top Product
@margarita_s88 Very happy to hear you ended up as #4, that's wonderful!
Joshua Dance
Hi Ben. Can you give us any solid time lines for offline mode and faster search? Nearly every week I entertain looking for a Notion alternative. I can't use Notion on the plane. I can't use it in a grocery store with bad cell coverage and no Wifi. I can't use it in a train with no Wifi. And search is honestly one of the worst search experiences out of all the products I use. Each search takes 3-5 seconds, Notion ignores standard search notation like "exact match" and -don't include. Please I am looking for an olive branch. :) Thanks!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@joshdance Hi Joshua, I'm so sorry to hear that and I feel your pain. The same things happen to me, so I totally get it. I wish I could give you a solid timeline, but unfortunately I don't have one to share. Our engineering team is working hard to make Notion a better experience for everyone, hope you can stick with us ๐Ÿคž
Ash Rahman ๐ŸŽฎ
Notion pages is helping us a efficiently use dev time. Thanks for the cool product. What's your advice on doing a successful PH launch?
Andrii Kpyto
Hi Ben! Two short questions :) 1) What is your longest "day streak" on PH? 2) When Notion team accidentally release promo code for startups (1500$) on public, what was your strategy to communicate with a community?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@kpyto 1) Good question, I don't know! Is there a way to check? If I had to guess, 50+ days 2) Our Customer Experience team did a fantastic job communicating with our users when that happened. It was definitely a learning experience for everyone involved!
Dafni Chontou
Hi Ben ๐Ÿ‘‹ Iโ€™m a big fan of Notion and the engagement of the community is really impressive! How do the very early days of community building look like and what are key points founders/ community builders should keep in mind as theyโ€™re growing them? This is particularly interesting from the angle of product+community (eg Notion community) vs. community as a product company (eg Product Hunt). Many thanks!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@dafnihnd Hi Dafni, I'd say having as many conversations as possible would be tremendously valuable early on. Talk to power users, anyone who's really excited about what you're building and try to understand: - What do they love about your product - What kind of value are you unlocking for them - How could they learn more from you and other users As you understand and learn more, you could start to build a framework to grow your community.
Dafni Chontou
@benln thanks, Ben! We recently starting onboarding our users via short 1-1 calls and collect so much valuable feedback. These are some great questions to bring into these conversations.
Francesco D'Alessio
I've always been curious Ben - as you created Notion Pages and a lot of the modern day Notion community - do you ever get tempted to release another of your own Notion templates/products?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@francescod_ales Hi Francesco! Yes absolutely, always tempted :) I'm so inspired by what users are creating and launching with Notion every day, it feels like there's such a huge opportunity in this ecosystem. Throwing the question back at you, do you have any plans to release more Notion templates? You've been a huge inspiration to me with Notion Made Simple, your YouTube channel and everything you do!
Francesco D'Alessio
@benln 100% - Cheers Ben, I want to build a team workspace in early 2022 for the world :-) So 100% plans to.
Johann Molinari
Hi Ben, when did you feel that Notion had the right product market feel? What was the key difference vs what you had before?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@johann_molinari That's a great question! I joined Notion after we had product market fit, so I missed that part of the company growth. I will investigate and see what I can find out ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ
Ben Lang
Top Product
@johann_molinari Thanks Johann! Appreciate it.
Nina Hรถdlmayr
Hi Ben! Wat I'm curious about is - why do you think Notion has such an impact on the Product Hunt community? What are the common similarities within the community that Notion received such wide positive responses? Cheers!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@ninayodel Hi Nina! I think there are a few reasons Notion has resonated strongly with the Product Hunt community - You can build powerful tools/products - It's quick and easy to build - There's a growing ecosystem of early adopters using Notion The team and I have been amazed to see so many talented makers here launching template packs, individual templates, and apps built on Notion โœจ
Ivรกn Fanego
Hi Ben! I am curious, how did you manage to explain what Notion was in its early days? I mean, I use Notion, but at it was difficult for me at the beginning to understand what was it (and to be honest, I am still missing 95% of its potential!) What I mean, how did you start communicating its value proposition?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@ivan_fanego This is something we think about a lot. Candidly, early on, the best way to describe our value was to talk about how Notion combined the functionality of many other tools together - this is a common way just to anchor a product in people's minds. As collaboration tools have become more critical for all teams, this messaging has evolved and become more sophisticated. Today, we call Notion collaboration software, and when it comes to value props, we underscore the benefits of speed and alignment that get unlocked when people have the ability to tailor their own tools to fit their needs. Still, though, the most helpful description tends to be the one that just says outright that it combines docs, wikis, and project management in a single, customizable space.
Ivรกn Fanego
@benln Thanks a lot. The value of the analogy (docs, wikis, and project management) is underrated hehe.
Kapil Gadhire
Nice to meet you @benln ! Most of my questions are already asked by others, I would just say hi and tell you that you guys have build a wonderful product and amazing community!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@kapilgadhire Thank you so much Kapil! It's great to meet you here :)
Jordi Mon Companys
Ben please do ask how your Product Marketing colleagues manage their remit with Notion and, hey, if they want to open their templates that would help any product marketer big time! ๐Ÿ˜‰
Ben Lang
Top Product
@jordimonpmm Hey Jordi! I don't quite know what you mean by remit?
Jordi Mon Companys
@benln Me neither, to be fair. I'm on holidays and probably switched all systems off. I just want to know how Product Marketing at Notion uses Notion templates and workspaces internally. That's all.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@jordimonpmm Ah good question! Have you seen this post? We share how we use Notion at Notion.
Jordi Mon Companys
@benln Thanks! I did. It's not specific enough. I'm thinking of message houses, positioning frameworks and stuff like that that typically product marketers manage and update.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@jordimonpmm Got it! Will share with our blog team, that would be fantastic material for a future post.
Elie Steinbock
Hi Ben! Love what youโ€™re doing at Notion. What tip would give you founders starting a community today?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@eliezer_steinbock1 Hi Eliezer ๐Ÿ‘‹ First, try to understand what exactly your core users want. - Where could you provide value - What could they learn from each other - What could they learn from you - What do they love about your product Set up as many calls with your early fans and users to build this framework together.
Francesco Bellanca
Hey Ben, I have been a huge fan of Notion since the very beginning and here at Sifted we are using notion a LOT. We are now at the beginning of our Community building journey, trying to get founders together and leveraging our fantastic journalistic content to attract more and more people into our community. We discussed internally and we have two questions: - People At what point of the community journey did you start to have dedicated resources to "community"? How did you scale the team and what is the current team structure around the Community product? - Empowering your users Could you share more about the initial steps of empowering your users to become creators? Did you identify a specific user need and started building a group of ambassadors or did you monitor what people were creating and kept on building around your power users? Thanks so much for your time and for the amazing Community you managed to create @ Notion
Ben Lang
Top Product
@bellanca_f Hi Francesco! Great questions! - I joined to focus on community when there were about 10 people on the team. I worked closely with Camille, our marketing leader. About 1.5 years later we hired Francisco, an incredible community manager to join our team. We've also hired a few contractors along the way to help manage different functions of our community operations. - We went with the most organic approach possible, we monitoring what people were doing/creating and built resources around that. For example, when we saw people organizing events, we put together a budget and guide for hosting Notion meetups. Anytime we saw an opportunity to help/empower we took it.
Sam C
What platforms did you use initially to build a community? Any recommendations for starters (esp. in B2C space)?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@saurabhc We took a different approach and saw our users launching their own communities early on, you can find the list here They exist on Facebook, Slack, Telegram, Reddit, Discord, all over!
Girish Gilda
Hey Ben, I've been using Notion for almost a year now and it's been a game changer. I sometimes feel that Notion has all the elements which can be offered. How do you come up with new feature now that all the major requirement are over? Also, are there any new features coming soon?
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
Hey Ben, Huge fan of the product and I use it everyday and I actually pivoted over from a paid Click-up user because I prefer the UI. Wondering what core elements you focused on pre-launch to really accelerate that success + garner that many eyeballs so early on?
Felix Exner
Hey Ben, I wondered what kind of tools you are using on your day-to-day basis to stay up to date and connected to your community?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@exnerfelix A few of my favorites - Notion ๐Ÿ™ƒ (example - - Swagup - Zapier - Slack - Commsor - Luma