
Travel Journal and Planner all in one - Travel Journal and Travel Planner all in one


Hi Friends this Travel Journal and planner all at one every Trip has its own gallery tap you can plan it than you can put the pics you took after you finish the Trip( check Japan Tutorial on the template ) Feedback appreciated

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Hi Friends this Travel Journal and planner all at one every Trip has its own gallery tap you can plan it than you can put the pics you took after you finish the Trip It include | a country To do list (whether is place you want to see activists you want to do or things you want to experience ),Food to Experience, souvenirs , wardrobe , Accommodation ,transportation ,Packing list ,Country journal *Traveling bucket list *collectable *next trip planner *motivation is to put your most favorite things about traveling whether is things you experienced or people you meet in your travel check Japan Tutorial to understand how it work more Hope you like it :)
Jayanth R
Hi Luna, very nice template, this looks really well thought out. Maybe using this will help me be less scatter brained and start working on my own bucket list! Thanks a lot for sharing this, really appreciate it and all the best on your launch! Also, loved the gifs, very nice touch :D
@jayanthr Thank you I hope it serve its purpose to you , Actually it had more gifs but I took them out lol you can put your favorite instead of them
@jayanthr yeeees :)
Ghost Kitty
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@zulkarnaim Thanks appreciated