
Notion Resource Center - Full resource templates for UX & PM, updated regularly!


It will save you hours to days of researching and collecting data.
Resource Summary:
✅ Lifetime access
✅ Download Templates with Examples

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Hello Everyone, > Why do you need it? Let me explain. Let’s say; you know how to do a usability test from zero to one. You get it, you know how to start, how to do it step by step. Then you do the test and analyze the results. Now, here comes the big question: how do you document the test findings? Most UX methods are hard to use without a template. If you don’t have a template, it’s hard to be practical and hands-on. I have seen many people doing tests and plenty of research, but they failed to document it in the right way. This meant that they were unable to get the most out of those methods and their findings. If you don’t have a template to document a usability test, then you won’t know how to document the findings therefore not allowing yourself to implement them in the product. > To help you out, I’ve created templates for the most important activities. We use these templates every day within my team for our product and many clients. In other words, they’ve been tried and tested. So, when you design a product, you need to take a lot of steps, for example, creating User Personas, in the article, you will read how to apply the method with example as well as find the right template for the method. It provides easy access to templates that will serve as development or educational resources in creating products. You don't need to waste hours and hours of your day on the internet looking for templates that someone else has put together. We've compiled them here, in one easy-to-use resource center! Presents various UX & PM design templates, updated regularly. It's like having an agency or consultant on standby at a moment's notice- but with no upsells!
PM Justin
Your product looks great! I will use it to build my product. Kudos!
Kelson Quan
As a PM this handoff is so bad. There's a lot made for PM to Engineering. But none for PM to design! Love this!
@kelsonquan thank a lot! I would like to send you a 50% discount code "quan50" for your convenience.
AJ Alkasmi
This is an awesome product! I remember when we first were creating User Personas we spent several hours researching the best practices and sample templates. After finally narrowing down to a few good templates, we then spend more time manually creating a new template trying to take the best and most relevant aspects from each of the examples we found. Would've been great to have a resource like this. I'm excited to see what else you have created.
@aj_alkasmi Love your cmt. I hope it will help you. I would like to send you a 50% discount code "alkasmi50" for your convenience.
Calvin Holloway
Congrats on the launch, product is looking good!
The importance of knowing your customer and being able to create well laid out user personas is really important and useful. I personally spend too much time researching and searching the internet to find good templates on personas and user journeys, when I should be spending more of that time actually evaluating and working through the template. Having this resource is a big time saver!
@lucyem7 thank you so much. I would like to send you a 50% discount code "lucy50" for your support. ❤️
Evelina Radoycheva
I have a small experience as a UX Designer and I can confirm that these resources will save you tons of time. Thanks for the effort and congrats on your launch!