Geert Van Damme

Notify - Sending impactful notifications to activate your customers

Create, send, receive and view all your messages with one simple API using many underlying message services .
Notify also provides extra features, such as auto-resend of failed messages, message feedback, digest messages, scheduled notifications and more.

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Geert Van Damme
After 15 years of developing projects for many different customers, we noticed that a lot of the project requirements and development were always the same. One of these requirements is sending messages to users, over email, sms, Whatsapp, push, Slack, ... We always encountered the same problems : - content of the messages was checked in with the code, needing releases to change templates and notifications - debugging of failed messages was a lot of work : looking through gigantic log files, debugging API's, opening separate portals for emails, sms messages, ... - implementation of messages cost a lot of time and money, as each channel has it's own API, documentation and sometimes limitations. In cooperation with a few of our clients, we developed Notify. It allows the clients to focus on their core business (which is mostly not sending out notifications). After a period of beta-testing and a few pilot customers (already sending around 4.000.000 messages each month over our platform !!) we have recently officially launched ! We would love to hear your feedback, especially on : - the website : is it clear enough what the solution is meant to do ? Does the pricing seem fair ? - the docs : are they easy understandable ? - the tool itself : after registration, why would you use/not use the tool ? Too complicated ? Not clear what the advantages are ?