Vlad Shvets

NoteLedge - Take better notes, your way


NoteLedge is the best note-taking app for creatives and designers. It comes with powerful creative tools for you to quickly capture ideas from Pinterest and web pages, organize everything in one place, and make sketches to start your own design right away!

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Kenny Su
Hey Product Hunters! Today we're excited to introduce the new iPad update release of NoteLedge, a multimedia note-taking app for creatives and designers to streamline their creative workflow. We have revamped the user interface to make it even easier for creatives to capture inspiration by clipping content directly from Pinterest or web pages, and organizing everything in one place. Create mood boards to visualize your ideas, or start making design sketches to get your creative ideas flowing. From collecting inspiration, sketching out ideas, to presenting your design concept and communicating with clients, you can do it all with your digital notebook, NoteLedge. Here are some highlights of the product: Create multimedia notes with texts, photos, audio & video recordings Write, sketch, draw with a variety of brushes created for creatives and designers Make beautiful page layouts with smart alignment and layer tools Clip content from web pages to notes and organize everything in one place Export notes to PDF with audio & video Sync files across devices and operating systems Get creative with stickers, notebook covers, and paper styles Whether you are working on a design project, or simply want to plan your room decor, give NoteLedge a try! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about this product.
Stewart Barrett
@kenny_su Excellent!!! I've been craving a better notetaking app for my pad. I can't wait to give it a try
@kenny_su your approach is interesting. Furthermore, I am interested in knowing your approach for making so many projects under 1 umbrella Kdanmobile. How it worked and why others should offer multiple tools under 1 domain.
Nihal Bhushan
@kenny_su This looks amazing. interesting way of taking notes. Congratulations on your launch.
Vlad Shvets
Hello, ProductHunters šŸ‘‹šŸ˜» Meet NoteLedge ā€” a cross-platform note-taking app built for creative souls. Few questions for the makers: 1. What makes NoteLedge different? 2. What features are included in this release? 3. What are the pricing plans? Cheers!
Pallavi Khanna
Cool product! Going to share with my designer friends.
Emily Lin
@pallavi_khanna Thank you for sharing NoteLedge with your designer friends! We hope they'll like it!
Ayan S
Love the clean and minimal design of the interface! It adds more space for capturing notes unlike other apps that have distracting UI Congrats on the new update!
Emily Lin
@madebyayan Thank you, we're glad to learn that you like the new look! :)
Porush Puri
Wow this looks so great! Really well designed! Looking forward to using it, also congratulations on the launch!
Emily Lin
@porush_puri Thank you!! We hope you enjoy it :)
Anastasia Zaichko
Looks fantastic!
Emily Lin
@ana_zaichko Thank you!!
Etienne Dargnies
Looks great! Taking better notes is a challenge for everyone, with different challenges depending on your job. Nicely done for designers with NoteLedge! Congrats
Emily Lin
@etidar Indeed! We hope NoteLedge makes note-taking easy, fun and efficient for everyone. Thank you!
Roger Hsu
Congrats on the new updatešŸ‘šŸ‘ Looks interesting and useful! It's something I'll recommend to my friends in the design field!
Emily Lin
@roger_hsu Thank you!! Happy note-taking :)
Arnold Jackson
Emily Lin
@jujuhatworld Thank you!
Zahid H Javali
I have just one question? How is your note-taking app different from all the others out there?
Emily Lin
@deleted-3665030 Good question! NoteLedge offers a versatile workspace for users collect inspiration from different sources and forms, and organize everything in one place. For example, we have an in-app web clipper that allows users to organize ideas from Pinterest and online resources, as well as multimedia note-taking tools for users to record ideas efficiently. Additionally, with a variety of brushes, users can start sketching out their ideas immediately without switching to another app or a sketchbook. The multimedia notes can be exported to PDFs with audio & video links embedded. This can help users take notes more efficiently, and streamline the creative process.
Yon Spainhour
Indeed, Amazing!!
Emily Lin
@spainhouryon Thank you!!
Christy Huang
Congrates to NoteLedge! As a 2-years user, this is super great news! What this app offers has made my life so much easier, and more efficient! Keep up the good work, team!
Emily Lin
@christy17 Thank you for your support! Glad to hear that. Hope you like the new update even more!
Laszlo Bokor
Love the overall UI and design language! šŸŽ‰
Emily Lin
@laszlo_bokor Thank you! Glad you like it!
Mikhail Gasanov
Looks cool! Great job
Emily Lin
@mikhail_gasanov Thank you!!
was looking for a good note app for android, thanks for sharing!
Emily Lin
@ruchira_08 Thank you. Hope you'll like it!
Ankit Prakash
Nifty tool. Loved the UI; for me it's going to be more advanced than Google Keep and Notion.
Emily Lin
@ankit_prakash1 You can take advantage of the multimedia, editing and sketching tools to create different types of notes from the text-based notes in Google Keep or Notion. Give NoteLedge a try!
Emily Lin
Avra Bhaduri
like what you have there !
Emily Lin
@avra_bhaduri Thank you!
DƔvid Sipos
Congrats, I love this updates
Emily Lin
@david_sipos Thank you!
Ivanna Wendel
I love your visuals! Well done! Congrats on the launch!
Emily Lin
@ivanna_wendel Thank you! The new update is created for designers by designers. We put a lot of love in it :)