Irtiza Hafiz

NoteBytes - Turn your notes into podcasts and share them with the world

Turn your notes about any particular topic to podcasts automatically. Listen to them over and over again for convenience and to retain the information better. Share your knowledge with the world with a click of a button. Check out

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Irtiza Hafiz
Hi everyone! 📚 Like most of us, I am addicted to consuming online content! From YouTube videos, to podcasts to books and blogs, I consume content about different topics every single day. 🧠 Recently, it occurred to me that even though we consume so many different content every single day, we as human beings do a terrible job remembering or applying any of them in our practical life. 🧐 We take notes about different topics in various formats in different apps. But we never go back and revise them. Research has shown that you need to go over your notes quite a few times before its actually consolidated in your memory. Otherwise, it just gets lost! 📝That's where I got the idea of creating an app where you can dump all your notes about different topics. The app automatically turns the notes into podcast episodes through our deep learning AI model. It also syncs with your favorite podcast player and automatically updates the episodes as you add or delete different notes. 🔔You can listen to these notes whenever and wherever at your convenience. 🌏 If you think the information is super valuable and you want to share it with the world, you can do so with the click of a button!! Check the web app out here: For any questions/concerns just message or email me. 🤦‍♂️ I am the solo developer in this product, so I know the feature set is not super extensive. But I am actively working on more and more features. Some of the ones that are coming up include: - Save your notes as drafts before finalizing - Choose from multiple different realistic voices - Better organizing system for your notes - Mobile app for the best listening experience
Ken Moo
Good idea. Except that I'm very used to writing notes on another app. Would be good if you can integrate with popular ones like evernote, notion. Goodluck!
Irtiza Hafiz
@ken_moo That’s a fantastic idea! Going to look into some integrations. Expect to see some updates coming up soon ;)
Girdharee Saran
What an amazing idea! @irtiza_hafiz As much as I love to make notes , sometimes life gets busy and I think this will be the solution. Can I share my podcast to twitter
Irtiza Hafiz
@giri Currently, you can share it only on the NoteBytes news feed. But I am working on features were you can share the episode through Facebook, Twitter and other socials.
Nirav Dalwadi
the best product ever nice work
Irtiza Hafiz
@nayan_parmar Thank you! Hope you get value out of it :)
Awesome idea, All the best @irtiza_hafiz
Irtiza Hafiz
@anaswara_jayan Thank you!
Justin Higgins
Great work! As more folks use it, I could see different voices being a nice-to-have feature
Irtiza Hafiz
@yupyup Thank you! Yeah that’s the plan, to support different voices and different languages too :)
Nice idea and minima ldesign works too! Do I have the ability to delete a podcast shared with public? Since even thoguh I have deleted the note verison of it, I cant seem to get rid of public version of the podcast.
Irtiza Hafiz
@eldiwem Not supporting it currently in this version. However, I have the feature almost done where you will be able to delete a published podcast episode from your dashboard easily. Meanwhile, let me know if its urgent and I can manually override it for you :)
Michael Choupak
Very elegant implementation, on both consumption and creation!
Irtiza Hafiz
@michael_choupak Thank you! Hope you find value using it. Let me know if you run into any issues or have any feature suggestions :)