Trevor Owens

GO CUBES - Gummy coffee bites for cognitive performance

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Geoffrey Woo
One of the creators of GO CUBES here. Thanks @to for hunting this! The broader team and I are excited to bring taste of coffee and the convenience of gummy bears to the science of nootropics in a clever new way. We'll be hanging around to answer your questions today!
Ricky Yean
This is perfect. Too much coffee is killing my teeth.
Edwin Toh
This is the first time I'm hearing about Nootrobox, all 3 products + Go Cubes sound really interesting. Is there a way to get a box of all 3?
Edwin Toh
Also, is it recommended to be taking all 3 in a day? :)
Geoffrey Woo
@edtoh Hey Edwin. Glad you asked: we do have a "Full Stack" of all of our nootropic stacks, which can be found at There's a more detailed discussion at but in short. RISE is meant to be a daily, while SPRINT and YAWN are taken as needed. It's OK to take all 3 as we designed everything to work together, and we have quite a few customers who do.
Trevor Owens
The field of nootropics (cognitive enhancement) is finally emerging as an area that both scientists and companies care about. I'm a big fan of the team at Nootrobox who are leading the way in providing scientifically validated, cognitive performance supplements.
Michael Brandt
Thanks for hunting this @to! I'm also on the team that made GO CUBES (I'm actually the barista in the video :) Happy to answer any questions!
Geoffrey Woo
@bdm_tastemakers hello future coffee inventor ;) which interviewee did you think was most interesting (i'm actually curious to know)?
Michael Brandt
@geoffreywoo Duc was lots of fun to work with. He's actually a friendly high school teacher who happens to know Vietnamese. He completely transformed for the role. The rest of the cast was great too!
Eric Glyman
Huge fan of Nootrobox, but I have to admit that I missed the taste of coffee in the morning. Nice to see that now I can get that too. Awesome work guys, excited to try it. Ordering my first set now!
Geoffrey Woo
@eglyman thanks for the kind words and feedback!
Joe Lau
This is legitimately a really cool idea! Was just curious about the nutritional content - what's the calorie count and how'd you guys select / test which nootropics to include?
Geoffrey Woo
@thejoelau great question joe. each cube is 35 calories. there's about a half a cup of coffee's worth of caffeine per cube, so these are performance cubes. we have a lot of expertise with nootropics (i.e. brain enhancers) through our company @nootrobox. the active ingredients in GO CUBES were inspired by our SPRINT nootropic stack - which we've already sold over 100,000 servings to people all around the world. There's B complex (to accelerate metabolism), L-theanine (amino acid in green tea to counter the jitteriness of caffeine), and other compounds that work well together.
Paul Benigeri
I take a rise almost everyday, and it's great. Super excited to try out some cubes since I never have time to get coffee in the morning.
Tim J
I'm always too annoyed to make coffee in the early morning so this may be my jam. Also, how did you pass up branding yourselves as Caffeine Cubes? ;)
Geoffrey Woo
@timbjones haha. caffeine cubes is good. definitely a mouthful but we also want to emphasize that GO CUBES isn't just a caffeine delivery system, it's got a bunch of other actives that stack well with caffeine.
Omar Bohsali
Can't wait to get these. So excited.
Geoffrey Woo
@omarish excited to ship these :)
People are weak and most of them are going to eat CUBES like candies. Which is not healthy. :(
Geoffrey Woo
@diserkin thanks for the thoughtful comment. we sell them in small packs so there's less of a chance of over-consumption.
Troy Osinoff
Any health risk for eating them all?