Timothée Le Borgne

NomadCast - Livestream to your Facebook friends and Twitter followers

NomadCast is an iOS app that lets you stream LIVE and stimultaneously to Facebook, Twitter & any website/app you want.

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Dwayne Samuels
Cool product, how's it different from Meerkat or Periscope?
Timothée Le Borgne
@dwaynesamuels Hey! Good question :) Well, for starters, NomadCast lets you stream to Facebook (& fan pages) - not just Twitter. And on desktops, the inline embed player makes for a pretty awesome viewer experience (we’re working on replicating that on mobile). And then, I guess it’s mostly a matter of « use case » : Meerkat & Periscope work pretty much the same way Twitch.tv does: by default, your broadcast is public; anyone can see it. So your audience will mostly be people you don’t necessarily know. Viewers will stop by because they got attracted by your stream thumbnail, not necessarily your content - so it’s great if you want to gain new followers. Not really if you want to share content with a restricted audience. NomadCast works differently: it’s a tool to entertain your existing networks: friends & family if you share on Facebook, professionals/followers if you share on your website or Twitter. You kind of decide who’s going to watch by choosing where to share :)
Timothée Le Borgne
Hey guys! Tim, co-founder at NomadCast here - I’m really excited to submit NomadCast to the PH community! Timing is… ah well timing is what it is :) We’re a team of 5, based out of France, self funded, and we’ve been quietly working on this for the past year (at a time when it was a far less crowded space!). NomadCast is a neat little app that will let you stream LIVE simultaneously to Facebook, Twitter and any website you want, through embed players. As opposed to other streaming apps, we use landscape format. The live player is actually embedded *inline* in your social timelines, so your Facebook friends and Twitter followers can watch you live, directly from the posts. And all their social reactions (comments, likes, tweets, retweets, add to favorites) are gathered and displayed real-time in the app, so you can engage with your audience. Worth noting: you can choose to stream on Facebook as « yourself » or one of the pages you manage - which has been very popular amongst businesses who tried the app. Last but not least, broadcasts are automatically recorded & saved in the cloud (that can be changed in the settings) - no duration limit nor expiration date, and when the live goes off-air, the player swaps for the recording. So none of your friends will miss the action. That’s about it for the big picture! We have quite a lot of features to play with (zoom / flash /A/E lock / mute, etc.), as well as a « private mode » and the ability to resume your broadcast anytime. Think of it as a « tool » to entertain your social circles on different networks. It’s very good at showing stuff to your existing contacts, probably a little less at helping you gain new followers (at least for now). We’re really looking forward to hearing your feedback! So let us know what you think of it :)
Amanda Hill
As a brand manager of multiple accounts, how can I have separate accounts for each brand linked through facebook?
Timothée Le Borgne
@amphotostudio good question: there's actually no need for separated accounts - NomadCast lists and lets you choose between all the Pages you manage with your personal account. So you can stream for the brand you want, with a single NomadCast account.
Amanda Hill
@tim_lb correct but if I log out and create another account with a different Twitter account it asks me to merge them
Timothée Le Borgne
@amphotostudio ah, right, indeed - the current system won't let you link several Twitter accounts to 1 Facebook login. Put simply 1 NomadCast account = 1 Facebook (can have multiple pages) + 1 Twitter (can't post on anything else). It's unfortunate that Twitter won't delegate post authorization - we realize it's not optimal if you manage several Twitter brands, so we're looking into improving the system to somehow allow it :)
Gourav Das
If posting to Facebook is a differentiator, how do you plan to compete with Facebook itself. They already started live streaming for Celebrities and though I am not sure, I guess they would be rolling out the same for businesses and individuals as well. I got one more question. Who are your target customers as the younger crowd is already moving away from Facebook? BTW, a great product and I guess could be leveraged well by business pages on Facebook.
Timothée Le Borgne
@das_vicky Excellent point. After meeting with them a couple of months ago, we understood Facebook was quietly probing that space - we just did not know how they would enter it. And you're right, eventually it makes no doubt they'll roll out FB Mentions capabilities to everyone, and it's quite clear existing solely on Facebook will not be a viable option. We're now iterating to leverage social networks (that includes FB), in a mutually beneficial way: still contributing to their welfare, and also helping us grow a real community. i.e, adding network capabilities to the "social" tool we have today. To be perfectly honest, we're still monitoring stats and making sense of the numerous use cases we're seeing. That will drive our deciding how to evolve :)
Marcus Karoumi
Cool app. Seems a little different to Periscope and Meerkat. But why "NomadCast"? What's the reason behind the name?
Timothée Le Borgne
@mkaroumi Hey, thanks! Well we wanted something that relates to both "mobility" and "broadcast" - and we liked the sound of "nomad" + "cast" :)
Marcus Karoumi
@tim_lb @mkaroumi the first thing I thought of was that this is for the community of Nomads, the ones @levelsio has created. So the name can be a little confusing, but still a great app ;)
Timothée Le Borgne
@mkaroumi Haha! Yes, at one point we figured out it could be confusing from time to time, but we really liked the name :D
Fiess Edouard
Lovely idea ! Downloading now :)
Axel Bouaziz
Great idea !
Sabih Ahmed
Great idea. Downloading it! :-)
Sasha-Shae W
How soon can we expect an Android version?
Timothée Le Borgne
@afroniquely Hey Shae - it's work in progress. We can't really commit to any hard ETA, but let's say it should not take more than a month or two, hopefully :)
About to download now, love the idea!!!
Timothée Le Borgne
There's probably something else I should mention/point out, the current version of the app is a tool: you can use it to broadcast on FB, TW and embeds and watch and share your recordings (past broadcast) but there's no discovery feed/notifications (yet). By default, any shared player will automatically play the latest available recording of the current streaming session (in case you stopped/resumed several times). Each of these replay have their own URL/embed code/views count :)
Artiom Dashinsky
"Live your life" tagline looks pretty ironical for a product that makes you stare on your phone instead of experiencing the actual thing, isn't it? :)
Timothée Le Borgne
@hvost Ah, but it's mostly true for the viewers :D
Zohaib Brohi
Very impressive :) Best product i have seen today . Good Job Timothée .
Timothée Le Borgne
@zohaibbrohi oh wow! Thanks for the nice words, happy you enjoy the app :)
Germán Sancho
Hi guys, I'm Germán, CTO & co-founder at NomadCast. Thrilled to see our app featured on ProductHunt - if you have questions (technical or not), well, this is definitely the place! :) Worth mentioning about stream delay: right now we have a 8-10 seconds delay on HLS streaming (which is already very good), but very soon we'll be rolling out a "quickstart" version we're quite proud of, that will allow lowering this delay to 3-5 seconds (and still using HLS tech). Looking forward to hearing your feedback!
Timothée Le Borgne
Quick heads-up: we have just rolled out a new tech improvement, and reduced the stream delay to 5s :)
Sasha-Shae W
So far tried to use this on my iPad mini but it kept crashing. I'll see if I can test it on my hubby's phone, until then I'll just wait for the Android version, whenever that is. le sigh
Timothée Le Borgne
@afroniquely That is strange - always worked on the iPads mini we've tried it on (including mine). Did you have a lot of other apps running at the same time? Try freeing up some memory/rebooting, it should do the trick. I'll pass the feedback to the dev team in any case :)