When I first found this through Chrome extensions store, I did not expect Noisli to have such a big impact on my focus and productivity. From now on, I take it with me to every office I move and every computer I use. Noisli is a must-have for an open office and helps you stay sane even when the world around is crushing down.
Pros:flexible and customizable mixing controls, favorite presets sync across devices
Cons:I'm a fan, using it for over a year and am pretty happy with it
Ambient noise increases productivity! What better way to supercharge your day.
Pros:Simple yet necessary app. I usually use it for audio only, but the color changing feature is a nice touch.
Por favor no abandonen esta App.
Pros:Minimalista, Efectivo, Colorido y con un procesador de texto!
Cons:Algún pequeño lag.
Great tool for blocking out noise when I'm at a coffee shop!
Pros:Easy-to-use platform and super realistic sounds.
Cons:Limited white noise options.