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Nik Shevchenko

WeLoveNoCode Community โ€” Learn, unite and build with Nocode

WeLoveNoCode Community - one single place to discuss, learn and unite with other great nocode developers.
It's free, community-driven with NO paid memberships
Nik Shevchenko
Hey Hunters! ๐Ÿ’ As a user of 30+ nocode platforms, I find it very frustrating to keep myself informed on the latest news about my favorite tools. _ ๐Ÿš€ Here comes WeLoveNoCode Community - one single place to discuss, learn and unite with other great nocode developers. P.S. By the way, it's also built with nocode ๐Ÿ˜
Marina jedi
@kodjima33 hey, Nik! How can i join your community?
Nik Shevchenko
@shamova_marina Hey! Just Sign up and enjoy :)
Jack Khrapkov
@kodjima33 Are you going to create a mobile app for the community? Or maybe a social network for NoCoders?
Nik Shevchenko
@evgeny_khrapkov That's a nice question, not sure yet. If this gets 400 upvotes - probably :)
Pavel Tseluyko
Wow itโ€™s really lack of communities in no-code field! Thanks Nik for this opportunity! Does membership totally free? So would it gonna be as a social network for no-code makers?:)
Nik Shevchenko
@pasha_tseluyko Hey! Yep, it's free, you will even get cryptocoins :)
Igor Ozerov
Nik @kodjima33 hi! Cool idea, I like to stay informed with the latest updates on no-code tools. Have you tried to invite representatives of the most popular tools, like Bubble, Adalo, Airtable? This would be great to ask them questions directly
Nik Shevchenko
@new_user_281d618282 Hey, if someone would want a collaboration - we are always open. They can text to the email: hello@welovenocode.com
Rhythm Bhatnagar
Completely agree! Miss out on updates from a number of no code/low code tools and explore possibilities. Thanks for building this ๐Ÿ˜€
George Novik
Hi Nick, great idea. What can you get NoCoins for on your platform?
Nik Shevchenko
@jorexnovik Hey, we just implemented it and testing this feature. I think you will be able to buy some merch
Daniel Gorenko
I like it! There will be a place to ask about all the nocode tools at once. One question - can I create my own group in your community?
Zholdasbek Temirgaliyev
I hope this resource will become a large knowledge base and source of nocode news. As a nocode developer, I often look for information, but in most cases the information is divided into different sources and it would be convenient for most of the information to be present on one resource. It seems your resource will solve this problem.
Nik Shevchenko
Hey guys! What would be your favorite topic to discuss?
Code Williams
I reckon give it a couple years and this nocode will become more mainstream allowing non tech, like marketing to do a website which I daresay should be this way. Coders like me will have to focus on maintaining and building nocode systems. Just kind of makes sense to me for some reason.
Vadim Philippov
Great idea! There are a lot of topics that should be researched on no-code industry. Hope we'll get tons of valuable stuff here.
Nik Shevchenko
@vadim_philippov What topics would you suggest?
Vadim Philippov
@kodjima33 They say that Bubble is expected to launch native applications features to enable uploading apps into Google Play & Apple App Store this year. That would be quite interesting I believe.
Shanon Walsh
ooooo can one make discussion forums on these, for example for outgrow? we love using that tool
Ola Ches
Hi! Is it possible to register on the platform via social networks?
Anton Baklan
Wow! If I am only starting my way in no code will it be ok for me, or it is just for experts?
James Quinn
As a non-technical founder, love things like this! Thanks for sharing
Artem Stepanov
Wow, cool. Tell me, what platform was your site made on?
Asya Al-Radi
Hello there, great project idea! Will there be separate "rooms" to chat about different topics?
Nik Shevchenko
@asyaal_radi Hey, yes, we have such features. What rooms do you suggest?
Asya Al-Radi
@kodjima33 I'm thinking of rooms for discussing each nocode platform + a room for help and support. Maybe there should be some other idk?
Is the https://community.welovenocode.com/ itself built with no-code tools?
Glen Creaser
This seems like a great place to learn more about new nocode products/platforms to try out.
Gaylord Roukine ๐Ÿ”ฅ
hello, Nikita :-) How can we join the community?