Alvin Chong

NO RAGRETS - Effective alcohol mitigation - no more suffering

Alcohol is just bringing tomorrow's happiness forward to today. We love partying but as we get older the hangovers hit harder, stay longer; the anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, nausea, get too much. We made, imho, the most effective alcohol mitigation product.

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Alvin Chong
Hi, I’m Alvin Chong, and I’m an alcoholic. Haha, not really, but I do binge drink, and I'm getting older. I'm sure you know what that means! You see, I like to push my limits. Go hard or go home, right? Well going hard led to not going home, too often. After I passed 30, my hangovers were getting worse and worse. I’m not talking about just the usual headache, anxiety, fatigue and nausea. I’m talking about the existential dread, the self-loathing, the regret of all the stupid things I said and did the night before, and in the last 10 years. You know what I’m talking about. That’s why I created NO RAGRETS, a natural supplement that mitigates the ill effects alcohol has on your mind and body, and helps stave off potential hangovers. In my personal experience, and in no way encouraging binge drinking, it's allowed me to drink 3 whole bottles of white wine myself, and still feel good enough to work out the next day. But please drink responsibly, and within reason! Unfortunately, if you take it after you have a hangover, it's too late. It’s not a magic pill that will make you sober or erase bad memories. It’s a blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbs that support your liver, brain, and mood. It’s like a hug for your insides. I know what you’re thinking: “Alvin, you’re so handsome and funny. Why do you need to drink so much? And why do you care about hangovers?” Well, first of all, thank you for the compliment. Second of all, I drink because I’m human. And I care about hangovers because they suck. And they suck even more when you want to do, say, literally anything the next day, instead of lying in bed suffering. But more importantly, I care about hangovers because they interfere with my purpose. You see, I’ve been rather obtuse and a bit of an idiot throughout my life, but I’m also a human being who has a vision for the world. A vision of a world where people are free to pursue their passions, express their creativity, and connect with each other. A world where people are happy and fulfilled. A world where people have no regrets. That’s why I started NO RAGRETS, not just as a product, but as a movement. A movement of people who want to live life to the fullest, without letting hangovers (or anything else) hold them back. A movement of people who want to make a positive impact on the world, without letting fear and suffering get them down. A movement of people who want to grow and evolve as human beings, without letting fascism and ignorance control and chain them. I know it sounds ambitious, maybe even crazy. But hey, I’ve been called worse things. And I’ve seen enough of the world to know that anything is possible. I believe we’re at a crossroads where we as a species can decide to lift ourselves into a Second Renaissance and perhaps the Golden Age of Humanity, or plunge ourselves into a deep, dark regression. And I know which side I’m on. So if you’re with me, join me on this journey of NO RAGRETS. Try our product today (money back guarantee - risk free!), and join our community of NO RAGRETTI SPAGHETTIS, who share your vision for the world. We can’t wait to grow with you and see what the future holds. Thank you for your time and attention. Be at peace! Alvin
Leon Ostrež
haha cool idea, would love to test it but i'm not big drinker lately. I guess I got old :) Congrats on launch
Alvin Chong
@leon_ostrez Thanks Leon! You don't have to be a big drinker, think of it as using protection, whether you go easy or go hard it's always better to have some ;) appreciate your support!
Abhinav Gaur
Congrats on the launch!
Amin Boulouma
Incredible update! Congrats on the launch! 🎉 Having personally gone through the effort and dedication required to make a launch successful, I would like to extend my congratulations to you on this outstanding achievement. Your passion and perseverance are truly remarkable. To mark the start of a new chapter, I invite you to explore the launch of my latest project today. Visit my profile to gain more insights and learn how it can significantly assist you. Let's continue to support each other in our quest for success! Oh, and let's connect on Twitter too!
Alvin Chong
@aminblm Thanks Amin! Your project looks great too!
Amin Boulouma
Fantastic news! Congratulations on the launch! 🎉 As someone who has experienced firsthand how much hard work and dedication goes into making a successful launch, I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on this amazing accomplishment. Your passion and determination are truly inspiring. To celebrate new beginnings, I encourage you to explore the launch of my latest project today. Head over to my profile to learn more and discover how it can be of great help to you. Let's keep supporting each other on our journey to success! And, let's connect on Twitter as well!