Also, Sony launched their "LittleBigPlanet" IP a little too early IMO - it would have had far more success in today's content production/sharing landscape.
@iamunr I really don't think it gained nearly the amount of market share Sony had hoped for out of a brand new IP with marketing behind it. And I was a day 1 adopter. It's not a knock on the title, but I strongly believe it would have done better today.
I expect this to provide plenty of content for YouTube and Twitch creators - leading to growth in a new marketing territory for Nintendo, while restoring attention to this nostalgic, beloved IP.
I put a massive amount of time into this game. I ended up not doing much creating, but I played a ton of levels. It's kind of difficult to navigate through the levels to find a specific one, but if you're just interested in playing random levels, it's not difficult to get started.
Tons of creation tools, nearly endless Mario levels.
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I put a massive amount of time into this game. I ended up not doing much creating, but I played a ton of levels. It's kind of difficult to navigate through the levels to find a specific one, but if you're just interested in playing random levels, it's not difficult to get started.
Pros:Tons of creation tools, nearly endless Mario levels.
Cons:Online features can be difficult to navigate.