Jeff Needles

Nimuno Loops - LEGO everywhere!

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James Futhey
Really wonderful idea! The heavy use of the Lego trademark in their promotional materials makes me apprehensive, though. They're known for aggressively protecting the appearance of Lego blocks in the media, print, and television. I couldn't imagine they would let someone capitalize on their brand like this, even if the idea is good and the execution is excellent.
Jason Wise
@futhey That's the first thing that popped into my mind as well. They've raised a ton of money so far that validates why LEGO should create the official version, so hopefully all the cash doesn't get sucked into the legal void.
@futhey As far as I remember the connectors (size & form) are protected and LEGO is going after companies that make compatible bricks. But maybe they found a legal loophole.
Jeff Needles
This might be the coolest thing I've ever seen... and the definition of "why didn't I think of that?" Read more abt it:
Niv Dror
@jsneedles πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Lisa Dziuba
So sweet! They got 4571% of their initial goal at Indiegogo! That's a great proof of demand. The thing I see, that such loops are very easy to copy for competitors... @jsneedles do you now about Fidget Cube? It was very successful at Kickstarter, but then the copies of it were selling everywhere :\
Ryan Hoover
Fun idea. I'm also fond of this LEGO laptop case.
Joacim Westlund
Love it! Legit to use Lego trademark like that?
Erwin James Will
how easy is it to remove from say a wall?
Anastasiya Tarasova
It's a wonderful idea!
Abhilash Jain
so cool, I'd love to decorate my workspace with this.
Zamani Peters
looks very fun
Reony T
Sold! Got a mult-color pack :)
Md Islam
Legos shall now protrude from my ceiling
Emmanuel Lemor
and hopefully, the product will be made in a eco-friendly set of materials from the adhesive onward...
Leon Hitchens
I'm spending all the money I have on covering every inch of my apartment in this!
wow! Anything Lego related is always awesome! Like others are saying though, this will be easy to rip off and it remains to be seen what Lego will say/do.
Will Wright
Yes please! πŸ’Έ
David Lewis
It may be too late to have this in my childhood (although I'm building a time machine so we'll see) but I see this in the future in my office!
Daniel Burgmann
Actually amazing for rapid prototyping
Ghost Kitty
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