Chris Armstrong

Insights - Practical perspectives from creative leaders

An interview series exploring how front-line creatives are adapting to a changing industry. Featuring perspectives from Fjord, Sonos, Deutsch and more.

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Chris Armstrong
At Niice, we spend a lot of time talking to creatives around the world, learning how they deal with the challenges they face in the industry. The same topics come up time and time again; campaigns getting exponentially more complex, teams getting more remote and dispersed, and brands investing more on in-house teams. It seems like the entire creative industry is in flux right now. Luckily we’re an industry of problem-solvers, but those who are solving problems on the front-line rarely have time to write a blog post — or prepare a conference talk — to share what they’ve learned. In this ongoing interview series, we’ll be gathering their perspectives together to build a picture of how innovative creative teams are adapting to a changing industry. We’re launching with a range of insights from leaders at the likes of Fjord, Sonos & Deutsch, but we’d love to hear your perspective too. Whether you’re leading a team of two or running a global agency, get in touch!
Jordan Moore

Kinda like a really good, never-ending conference


- Makers revealing insights into the creative process - Deep dive conversations - Features all the companies I want to hear about


- N/A

Arman Nobari

High quality, thought provoking, and rooted with genuinely positive intentions. Good job, Niice crew!


Sincere, insightful, and well-produced.



Peter Reaper-Reynolds

There is lots of advice available on the internet but Insights is presented in a fresh format with practical tips and thoughtful insights from inside some of the biggest and most successful companies.


Experienced creatives share insights from high profile companies. Tightly edited into bite size videos with full transcripts


Even more videos? 😃