Hey Product Hunt, creator of Nihongo here!
I spent a long time studying Japanese vocabulary using Anki, Flashcards Deluxe, etc., but I found that studying using premade word lists never worked that well for me. Nihongo is built around studying the words you're encountering naturally through your own hobbies and interests. Flashcard packs are automatically generated from the words that you look up in the built-in dictionary. You can also copy and paste Japanese text into the app like song lyrics, textbook readings, videogame scripts, or books, and it will automatically find all the words contained in the text, and generate flashcards from them.
I built Nihongo because it was the tool that I wanted and felt like was missing for studying Japanese. Hopefully it'll be useful for some of you too! I'd love to hear your feedback.
@bentossell Tokyo is nice, I’m there right now actually! If you make it to Japan you should visit the Osaka area as well, that’s where I used to live, it’s great. Incredibly friendly people, and really good food. =)
Hey Chris :)
I made an app called Swaipu (http://giorgiocalderolla.com/swa...), which is a flash cards study tool for Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana.
When it came time to integrate it with a dictionary app, I chose to only integrate with Nihongo because... Well because it's the best one out there. I use it everyday myself :)
@mipstian Thanks Giorgio! Swaipu is awesome too. =)
I hope to do more integrations in the future, so if anyone else has an app that would benefit from linking to a Japanese dictionary, let me know!
This looks pretty good! I like that it also includes furigana (the little kana above kanjis) so you can read a sentence without stumbling over an unknown kanji.
@lynnfredricks Thanks! Yeah, it makes reading things with kanji a lot easier. I use it all the time when I get emails in Japanese. If you have some basic level of Japanese, it can be a lot more helpful just to be able to read the words and look up definitions quickly, rather than use something like Google Translate which tries to translate the grammar as well (often painfully unsuccessfully) .
@mirativity Thanks so much, that's awesome to hear! I should call out, this app is only possible because of the JMDict project (http://www.edrdg.org/jmdict/j_jm...), an open source database of Japanese word definitions. If I could get my hands on similar data for other languages, I'd love to expand this to other languages! =D
@mohdhazwan Agreed. Definitely something I'm thinking about for the future. I think it would fit really naturally with the flashcards element of the app.
Yawme - يومي
Valentina Studio