Julie Chabin

NightNight - Find the coolest affordable hotels available on Booking.com

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Julie Chabin
Hey there! I'm a big fan of Airbnb but sometimes renting an apartment is way more expensive than getting a hotel room. Yet, I'm into nice cool places where I'll be able to Instagram the hell out of my weekend to make my friends jealous. With NightNight you can get the best deals from nice and cool places where to stay from Booking.com (without the Ikea-colored UI from Booking) Brb, planning my next weekend in London.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
I love these kind of services, curating content on top of massive sites like Booking, eBay etc - definitely will try this out!
Kevin Hutchings
@bramk Thanks so much Bram! :)
Élie Slama
Obivously, curating is now a business, regarding the massive volume of information on the internet. I'm curious which kind of users you defined as your early-adopters :) Great UX/UI by the way !
Mathieu Dugast
Thanks so much @elieslama for your support! We put a lot of effort in our product design and development. Our early-bookers and followers are typically design and experience-oriented urban travelers looking to stay at a hotel that provides more than just a bed to sleep. They're also budget-minded since they’d rather spend their money in a good local restaurant or shop than a palace. Our community on social media is also made of locals that help us surface cool affordable hotels and provide us with insider tips on their own city.
Andreas Menzen
Hey guys! Finally I can use your amazing platform when I am searching for nice (alternative) hotels/hostels at my destination. The combination of the QUANTITY of Booking.com and your hand-picked QUALITY is awesome and peerless. It's for sure that I will try your platform on my next trip. There are so many nice hotels that are waiting for me now :) Good luck for your platform and keep going Greetz from the hoomnizer
Kevin Hutchings
Thanks very much @hoomnizer for your comment and kind tweets. We're very happy to see our platform is appreciated by the community and you guys find it useful. Please let us know about your experience if you use NightNight for your next travels!
Manasvini Krishna
Ahh, more curation! Very cool, many of the hotels look so quaint and interesting! :) Is there a monetization model, or do you plan for one in future? edit: just saw you don't add a fee to the booking in the about section.
Mathieu Ecollan
Hey @manasvinik Thanks a lot, glad you like our selections! Indeed, our model is based on affiliation, we only link to Booking.com. We get commissions for every booking we generate on their platform and don’t add any fees for the customer.
Anuj Adhiya
Added to my Hotel Search & Booking collection: http://www.producthunt.com/anuja...
Mathieu Dugast
Cheers @anujadhiya !
Stanislas Coppin
Congrats! Beautiful curation layer on top of Booking.com platform. Waiting for more cities to come
Mathieu Dugast
Thanks @therealsoup, we're working on some new cities suggested by our community. Which one would you like us to dig next?
Great design and good selection. Of course needs more cities, but why not start with the major airports to select the cities to feature.
Mathieu Dugast
@bertconcepts Yes definitely, we started off with the most visited cities in Europe and the US and will keep on covering major cities around the world. Besides, we aim to dig more alternative cities like Copenhagen, Taipei or Portland. Of course, let us know if there's a city you'd like to have covered. Cheers!
Ed Choudhry
Love the name. I am a big Kevin Hart fan. I would use this just to tell someone "You wanna go Night Night!" :P
Mathieu Ecollan
Haha thanks @edch2020 ! Hope he'll share the love too, maybe he'll need to find a cool spot for his next city break :)
Great execution! Will try to use it for my next trip to cities. I remember I recently stumbled upon a site (don't remember the name anymore, but it was some realtor in Barcelona) that did create videos of the places they are offering. Perhaps it might be good idea also for Night Night to create sort of ambassadors who could create quality videos of the places to capture the actual vibe & overall feel of the hotels & hostels. Enhanced quality images are nice but video nowdays is able to tell much more :)
Kevin Hutchings
@kristapslazda, thank you for your feedback. It’s a great idea! Community is a major part of NightNight and we are currently building a squad of ambassadors, from which we gather lots of local knowledge : cool hotels under the radar of course, but also nearby sights worth the look, neighborhood insights, insider tips, local music… Crowdsourcing video or even animated gifs on top of that sounds like a fun, engaging and doable idea. :)
Andrew Brackin
Booking.com needs to buy this now. This is a pitch for taking on Hotel Tonight.
Clément Raffenoux
Congrats for the very good curation! What's your next steps ?
Mathieu Dugast
Thanks @craffenoux! About our plans, our top priorities are to cover more cities across the world, both high profile capitals and alternative destinations. We’re also focusing on mobile and looking at how to make the booking process more seamless on the go. Last but not least, we’re experimenting new ways of helping people travel better thanks to our community base.
Alibek Datbayev
Why not map view? :/
Mathieu Dugast
@datbayev It’s a good question! Our selections being shortlists, it seemed more relevant to put the emphasis on products rather than locations to keep the site as uncluttered as possible. Especially that our hotels are centrally located, maximum 20 minutes from downtown with public transport. However, we’re keeping our ears open and would consider adding the function if a majority of users request it :)
Alibek Datbayev
@mathieudugast thanks for details! But it is unclear from site for me as a customer. I'm a map-person, that's why it's important. But if you say they'll are close to downtown, then it's fine :)
Michal Ptacek
Are you planning to add more american cities like: Chicago, Boston, San Diego etc? The design is pretty neat by the way! :)
Mathieu Dugast
Thanks @michael_ptacek! NYC was our first US city and we plan to add more soon. We've just got back from a field trip in Austin, LA and SF and are looking into some other cities across the country for cool affordable hotels :)
Supratim Dam
neat stuff. add more cities please.
Elle S.
Very cool project! Love the design and like the personalized touches like curating hotels that are centrally located. That's something that often takes priority for me over aesthetics when I'm looking for accommodation, so it's great that I can get the best of both worlds. Would love to see more cities as well! Personally, I live in Prague and would love to be able to suggest this to people when they're looking for a place to stay.
Mathieu Dugast
Děkuji @eceepraha! Prague is actually pretty well ranked in our list of new cities to add. Feel free to reach out if you know about cool affordable hotels in Prague or want to contribute to the NightNight collective :)
Elle S.
De rien @mathieudugast :) I'd love to help contribute in the future if you decide to add Prague! Off the top of my head, I'd say Mosaic House comes to mind as a cool and affordable place to say. Of course, there's many more!
Ghost Kitty
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Mathieu Ecollan
Thanks so much for your feedback @stu_chaney ! Indeed currency is one of the features we need to add shortly! If you have some cities you would like us to scour first, feel free to suggest through our website :) Cheers !
Julie Chabin
Glad you liked NightNight!
Mathieu Dugast
Thanks @syswarren for hunting NightNight :)