Fab Mackojc

The Journey: #18 - Kishan Thurairasa - CEO and co-founder of Jobbop, acquired by Hired in 2015

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Fab Mackojc
"I don't think I'm more special than anyone else but I'm confident enough to believe that I can figure out something if I want to achieve it." - Kishan Thurairasa Kishan Thurairasa was the CEO and co-founder of Jobbop, an Australian platform to help employers hire software developers. I say 'was' because late last year Kish sold the business to Hired, the online talent marketplace. During the final year of his chemical engineering degree Kish created a website allowing students to select their favourite subjects at university and receive a Google-like ranking of the most appropriate employers to work for. Although the site had a lot of initial success with students signing up Kish soon realised that the website was not solving a huge problem for employers, the ones ultimately paying for the service. In 2014 he pivoted Jobbop to help employers hire software developers and their platform eventually brought the industry average time to hire down from 83 days to less than 14. Looking to scale their service Jobbop was accepted into the Melbourne Accelerator Program and were later approached by Hired as the US-based company was looking to further expand internationally. Jobbop was eventually acquired by Hired in December 2015. We talk about selling your company, showing up 7 days a week, noticing opportunities, deciding what to do with your time, being the best version of yourself - not someone else, the benefits of clichés and much more.