Last year I wrote a website for myself ( to track movies that were coming out.
I was tired of the junk on most movie sites that made it really difficult to track what movies were being released. A few other people expressed an interest in using the website, so I decided to open it up to everyone.
Since I have an interest in automation ( I wanted to see if I could fully automate the operation of the website.
I think I've managed to do this. The content is collected via API, website changes are shared to social media, and emails are delivered weekly to newsletter subscribers all automatically. I wrote more about how I did this here:
Great launch @mubashariqbal! Even though I'm not a big movie-goer in theaters, I always find myself missing when things are released thereafter. I could certainly see using something like this to keep an eye on movies that pique my interest and make a notation to see.
I actually used to used something like this (I think it was called SideReel) to keep track of new TV episodes in college. These trackers are way underrated -- in an age where we're inundated with media to consume, sometimes a simple, useful tool like this beats out all the other more complicated user experiences. Awesome job!
@shylands Thanks Steven.
If there is any interest the plan is to deploy different instances of the website with a different TLD that would focus on other locations.
To meet the mission of simplicity and easy of use, I wanted to avoid cluttering the site with different countries, etc.
@_manishshahi_ Push notifications are hard because of the timing, and by that I mean when do I send the push notification for a release? If a movie came out today would the push notification come at midnight, or some other time thru the day?
Will think on this more though.
@_manishshahi_ Unfortunately movies get added to the database months before they are released, and often with little information. Sending push notification then would be very premature. Push notifications for trailers, would be cool though.
People are building another websites for this kind of stuff, obviously, it's easier to monetise. But what about being subscribed to a Public Calendar, that you can import to your Apple mail client or Gmail?
@greghadala A calendar with all the releases on it just becomes noise that you ignore (at least I would).
You can create an account and favorite movies, if enough people start doing this, I'll generate an ICAL of just the movies you favorited, that you can add to your calendar. This would be much more useful I think.
@greghadala Yes would be more of a ticketing based API. Also finding where/when to see a movie is a different problem than the one I'm trying to solve. Most of the movie theatre chains (and MoviePass) have solved this pretty well with their apps already I think (at least in the US).
I would recommend having a same page trailer button, so that I don't have to keep going back and forth to watch trailers for the movies listed. Otherwise, I like the simplicity of it.
Hi, awesome work. What a coincidence, I wanted to build this too! I have a couple of areas in UI/UX I have noticed that still need improvement. I can help if you want. Your stack is Laravel + Vue right?
@new_user_f58839bf19 Pretty much the same 😀 Got a little tougher when I had kids, but they are getting older now and I can take them a long to most of the movies now!
This is a cool idea, I've already seen films that I want to see that I didn't know were out this year :) Would be great if this was slowly rolled out to other countries us over in the UK would find something like this valuable.
Fascinating how much you're pushing automation on this one. Even on the user acquisition / marketing side with SEO (a personal favorite 🤓)!!
The product seems fairly robust now especially if you want to maintain the cleanliness, is there anything else you want to add?
@moeamaya I'm pretty happy with the feature set. I think future enhancements would likely be around international roll out. IE, supporting dates and localizing to different country/languages.
Awesome site and love the idea. I do wish that after you click add to favorite, that it didn't refresh the entire page and bring you all the way to the top again.
Nice initiative! Though pretty frustrating to scroll through, tapping on "Add to Favorite" to then be scrolled back to the very top again...? Is that a bug?
Oh, it will be so cool if I could just subscribe to the movies I really want to see and then a week before it's release I get a mail about it. I really don't want to subscribe for a generic newsletter of all the movies. But if I could get notification mails for the movies I have subscribed to or favorited, that would be the best.
@karthik_mahadevan If you're signed up for the website and have favorited some movies, the weekly email will include your favorited movies first, then a selection of the remaining popular movies for that week below.
@gootik I have an RSS feed for the trailers already, and not sure how useful a feed is for all movie releases, but I might make one for individual users for the movies they have favorited.
Interesting case study in turning a personal project into something for the masses, @mubashariqbal! Looks like you and I share the same movie addiction. I'd live in the cinema if they had good wifi!
@nikitakobylatov This is to help you know what movies are coming out, watching them online when they come out is *usually* not possible (legally at least).
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