@pupeno, as you're answering the call in the browser (by clicking the valid link on your Slack channel first) the call is processed using the default input/output devices on your system. That means the browser usually asks you whether you want to allow it to use your microphone when the talk is about to start, and the default audio output is e.g. a built-in speaker in your laptop or headphones connected to it. Feel free if you have any more questions or issues regarding this tool. I'm always happy to help!
@radekzaleski I can definitely see my small local business using this, can you forward to a cell if you need to (for when you're away from your desk) ?
If you want to check how does Callio work but have no time to setup the server, you can now easily test it with Heroku! We've just added a "Deploy to Heroku" button to the Callio repo on Github.
Screensaver Ninja
GraphQL Editor
Notion Automations