Radek Zaleski

atStats by Netguru - An app to report your "hidden relationships" on Slack

atStats is a mobile app for Slack users that helps you track and understand interactions, making them more enjoyable and rewarding

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Ryan Hoover
@radekzaleski, I'm curious how you're rating these relationships. Is it based on the number of mutual @mentions or private messages?
Rafał Adasiewicz
@radekzaleski @mentions @rrhoover In case of users - we are counting direct messages from the last 30 days. Moreover, you can choose one of three filters - top addressee, top sender and top chatter. In case of channels we are counting mentions, heres and messages from users on particular channels in last 30 days. In this case you can also choose one of three filters - most popular channels, your channel mentions and your channel activity.
Radek Zaleski
hi guys, so we did atStats (internally known as Slack Social), because I always wanted to know who is my hidden crush on Slack. Here, I said it. Also, atStats can be useful to see how you interact with your team, your partners and your business on Slack - the most important social network of 2017. Project is open-source, iOS version coming soon. We treat it as a fun project to sharpen our Android and React Native skills.