Watch TV shows and movies online.
Niv Dror
Netflix Offline — Watch Netflix anytime without an internet connection
You can download select TV shows and movies on the Netflix app to watch offline later. Watching downloaded titles offline does not count toward the concurrent streaming limit of your plan.
Neeraj Thakur
Ankur Sharma
Looks like function of getting into the markets like India where they are already facing stiff competition with local players & YouTube and soon going to have a stiffer one with Amazon Prime Videos.
Niv Dror
Netflix Board Meeting Minutes: 2006: Should we launch video streaming? 🤔 2007: We successfully launched video streaming ✅ 2008: Should we enable offline viewing? 🤔 2009: We should enable offline viewing ❌ 2010: We should enable offline viewing... ❌ 2011: Our customers want offline viewing ❌ 2012: Our customers really want offline viewing ❌ 2013: Offline viewing? ❌ 2014: We should enable offline viewing. ❌ 2015: Thoughts on offline viewing? ❌ 2016: *Adds offline viewing* ✅
Andrey Yanovskiy
@nivo0o0 I think it's because it's hard to stream 4K video :)
Rene Pot
@andreyyanovskiy @nivo0o0 pretty sure competition forced them. Streaming or downloading requires the same amount of bandwith
Dominik Schmidt
@andreyyanovskiy @nivo0o0 Well, I don't think a lot of 4k videos will fit into an iDevice
Andrey Yanovskiy
@iduuck @nivo0o0 oh, so it's for iOS/Android... then it's much simpler — download at home over WiFi — watch on a commute
Joshua Pinter
@wraldpyk @andreyyanovskiy @nivo0o0 Yeah, they require the same amount of total bandwidth but not the same amount of bandwidth per second. I think his point is that downloading 4K doesn't require you to have a sufficiently fast bandwidth, where as streaming it does.
Shaun Trennery
That's the sound of the door slamming on other VOD providers. Only defence for launching a VOD service will be insanity.
Matt Gardner
Awesome. We're one step closer to my dream of watching Netflix in VR on Daydream during plane trips. ETA for Netflix VR is end of year so I'm hoping for January usage!
Jason Salas
@thatmattgardner That's something I've never thought about: how ethical, moral, safe, or just courteous is it to use VR gear while on a commercial flight?
Matt Gardner
@jasonsalas If you're staying within your space and not playing very intensive games (you don't want to be throwing limbs everywhere) I'm not sure if there would be any problems besides looking odd. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if when you got onto economy in 5 years time if everyone wouldn't be handed a headset so they can ignore the fact that they're crammed like sardines. You can watch your own movie selection on a theatre-sized screen, explore attractions you can visit after landing, or heck if they fix in-flight wifi you could still work/have meetings. Plus with the headset the airlines could probably justify another row of seats because people wouldn't notice the 1in less room per seat ;)
Jason Salas
@thatmattgardner That's an interesting theory! At the expense of awkwardness (which is always subjective), at least with VR you get privacy. You could watch a horror film on a flight without worrying about offending others. Now, what I'm wondering is possible compounded motion sickness due to HMD latency plus the fact that you're in a moving pressurized vehicle.
Shaun D
Hows that for a slice of fried gold
Jack Dweck
Brb, currently downloading all of Black Mirror
Dan Elitzer
Doesn't work for any of the Marvel original series, like Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil. No Arrested Development or Gilmore Girls either. I wonder what deals are preventing these shows from being downloaded.
Jason Salas
@delitzer I wasn't surprised to see the Disney-owned content (e.g., Marvel, Star Wars, ESPN, Pixar) not be available for download at the onset, even with Netflix's new deal with them. ESPN's 30 for 30 films can't be downloaded, either.
Thomas Dunn
Wow this is huge!!! Train journeys just became way better
Raphaël Dardek
Why is offline viewing not available on laptop devices ?
Juan Buis
This changes everything! Also, there's a new in-app category "Available for Download" that makes downloadable content easy to find.
Rodrigo Reis
awesome, gonna catch up with my series during my long flights
Thomas Daly
What took so long!? All those flights I've taken in the past eight years!! I could have used this one so much sooner.
Jason Hart
Amazon Prime Video has had offline viewing for a while and while I don't use it often, when I do need it, it has been very helpful and pretty easy to use. After taking a quick look at Netflix's updated app, it looks just as easy. Not all videos can be downloaded but they do have an "Available for Download" section so that helps.
Michael Sitver
Fraser Smith
Awesome… oh, wait, mobile platforms only. Sigh. Move along, nothing to see here. (No need to renew my subscription just yet)
Jason Salas
@frassmith I'm sure we'll see some variant of support for Microsoft hardware - Metro app for Windows 10 and some client for Xbox. We hope!
Jason Salas
@frassmith Hmm...maybe local storage while respecting the DRM'ed content?
Robin Solis
I don't get it. Everything is on a data connection. This sounds like wordplay marketing.
Del Williams
I think The Crown is a great show.
Ryan Hoover
Probably the most useful update to Netflix since they introduced online streaming. Tangent: What shows/movies are people watching? I'm enjoy Black Mirror (related), Tallulah with Ellen Page is great, and Demetri Martin's standup special is hilarious. Oh, and I recently re-watched Heavyweights. It holds up. 😊
Steph Garrett
@rrhoover Chewing Gum, Black Mirror, The Crown is lit, Chef's Table, and Lovesick
Jason Hart
@rrhoover +1 for Black Mirror. Nacros is pretty amazing as well.
Wouter van Lent
@rrhoover Designated Survivor is my latest discovery!
Ali Afridi
@rrhoover Black Mirror, Narcos, and I've started to watch through the old Top Gear. Good stuff.
Jason Frishman
@rrhoover Michael Che's recent standup was amazing. Highly recommend.